A Collection of the Best News Bloopers of 2017

A Collection of the Best News Bloopers of 2017

If you think that newscasters never screw up it’s because you don’t watch the blooper that they produce. In the clip below are some of the best news bloopers from 2017, and that’s not even counting the ones that you don’t get to see. Just like anyone else newscasters can flub their lines every now and then and sometimes things just tend to happen that they can’t control. Some of the funniest but most out of control usually have to do with instants when reporters that are out in the field have to deal with the weather and all the issues it can cause.

For instance getting splashed by oncoming cars is something that a reporter standing by the road would have to deal with on a regular basis unless they decided to find a different spot to stand where there were few if any big puddles capable of being used against them. Motorists might not do it on purpose, some do however, but the fact is that when a tire hits a puddle it’s going to splash in all directions, which includes away from the car. Other moments that have to do with nature and its effects would come into play when doing a piece on location where you know the waters can get kind of violent. A spot by the ocean for instance where the breakers are known to get kind of rough would not be the ideal spot for a report. As funny as it gets you would think that a person that sees the layout might choose a spot that doesn’t get so much turbulent water or would at least find a spot somewhere far enough away from the crashing surf that won’t affect them in such a big way.

Then there’s the animal sighting that made me laugh in all honesty. The supposed cougar sighting, which would have been kind of creepy if the big cat had really been there, was relegated to a house cat sighting that was picked up by the news team. I don’t know if that counts as a blooper but it was pretty entertaining. I don’t know enough about the reporter or his news team but one thing they should be glad of is that the cougar wasn’t around, otherwise they might have been less inclined to stick around and really get a good picture of it.

Newscasters do and don’t have a hard job. Those in the field have a more intensive job than those in the studio reading off the teleprompter. The studio-bound anchors do have an important task to report the news and to make it interesting enough for the viewers at home to tune in, but sometimes even they get tongue-tied and don’t seem able to stifle the giggles when they mess up. It’s natural, they’re human, and they’re allowed to make a mistake now and again. But sometimes their mistakes are so hilarious that you can’t help but wonder just how they got made in the first place.

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