The Five Funniest Movie Scenes Starring Benicio Del Toro

Maybe I have a warped sense of humor but then so do the people that put Benicio Del Toro into movies that somehow make people laugh at the strangest times. He’s been in a few scenes throughout his career that are truly funny but somehow too sappy to really be called comedy. They’re drama born of something cute and innocent that some might call humorous and funny but in this instance they’re just way too sappy. In this kind of list I really wanted to show something along the lines of a scene that might make you laugh and then feel guilty or strange about it simply because you didn’t know how else to react. That’s dark comedy and it’s where del Toro seems to really be at his best because quite honestly he might be a funny guy but he has that grave look on his face that’s more suited for drama and thrills.

So some of these might be funny from a subjective standpoint.

5. The Usual Suspects

You put five known criminals in a lineup trying to pin something on one of them and you don’t think they’re going to start talking about really pulling something off? At that point it would be to get back at the cops just for wasting their precious time. Plus they’ve got the necessary range of skills between them to pull of a caper if they hadn’t been betrayed.

4. Snatch

This movie is way too underrated for how good it really is. The opening scene alone is pretty funny since it segues right into a bank robbery after what seems like a gather of Jewish merchants entering secured location. The entire movie is one giant joke and the punchline doesn’t get told until later, which is very cool since it keeps you guessing what’s going on.

3. Sin City

This is the type of funny that leaves you feeling like maybe you shouldn’t laugh but you can’t help it because the situation seems so unbelievable and over the top. But then you remember it’s a movie, and then you remember it’s Sin City, which even in the comic books is so far over the top that stuff like this is pretty normal. Plus a guy landing butt first on a throwing star is enough to elicit a chuckle.

2. Excessive Baggage

The whole idea of a woman being tied up, gagged, and stuffed in a car trunk isn’t really the funny part, it’s his reaction to it. Think about it, you’re getting ready to go and then you see a car that’s been lifted on the hydraulic lift moving around somehow on its own. Obviously you’d go to check it out, but it’s just as obvious that you wouldn’t know how to react to what you saw.

1. Savages

Lado is that dangerous kind of funny since he seems to take such great joy in what he does and finds it unnecessary to care about the damage he does to other people. And he goes about his job with such professionalism that it just seems humorous.

Like I said, I have kind of a twisted sense of humor.

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