As a married couple, one of the greatest joys you experience is the news that you are going to bring a new life into the world. Normally, when a couple is informed that they are pregnant, the last thing on their mind is that there may be some abnormalities or complication that could impact the life of their child. In the case of Nathaniel Newman, he was born with a severe case of Treacher Collins Syndrome, which is described as a rare craniofacial condition widely characterized by deformities of the eyes, ears, chin, and cheekbone. The degree of impact can vary from mild cases to immensely severe cases as with Nathaniel. As several specials are prepared to air stories about Treacher Collins syndrome and the families who deal with it, the world is about to be introduced to Nathaniel, so we decided to give you a peek inside of his world so that you can get to know more about him.
1. He is Immensely Brave
Let’s be real here, we have all been kids. While it has been longer for some than others, we have no problem remember just how cruel and direct children can be. At the age of 13, without question, Nathaniel has faced his share of stares and awkward questions surrounding his condition. To be willing to go on national television to talk about his condition and the challenges that come with requires an amazing display of courage. While it is not easy, he believes it is necessary, and he should be admired for it.
2. His Parents Were Not Aware of His Condition Until Birth
With today’s medical advances, doctors can test for so many different conditions, such as Down syndrome, early in the pregnancy. This way parents are prepared for what they will experience at the birth. This was not the case for Russ and Magda Newman, the parents of Nathaniel Newman. They were not aware of the condition until they saw their son right after his birth. Amazingly, Nathaniel’s condition brought the family closer together and made them stronger.
3. Nathaniel Participate in the Fulfillment of His Parents Promise
As Nathaniel responds to questions aimed at him during an interview or smiles at a camera, he is actually helping to honor a promise made by his parents after he was born. The Newmans agreed that they would not their son from the world. They were intent on providing him with as much of a normal life as possible. Nathaniel’s exposure to the world and the world’s exposure to him would come in a high-profile manner with a film crew following him around for more than three years.
4. In Most Ways, He is Like Other Kids His Age
As Nathaniel embraces the idea of being a teenager, it is easy to understand that in most ways he is just like any other 13-year-old. He wants to have fun, stretch the limits and boundaries given to him by his parents, meet girls and more. With him, it will be a life of adjustments repeatedly and he constantly moves into new environments. The importance of developing a self-image that is infused with self-love cannot be overstated, but with all things considered this young fellow is more than up to the task.
5. He Has Recovered from Groundbreaking Surgery
It was important for the surgeons to explain that the surgery was not to give Nathaniel a new face, but to remove his tracheostomy, which would be life-altering. The surgery to reposition his face, which requires the separation of the skull from the face bone to better position his face. While the surgery was intense and required a grueling rehabilitation period, it did alleviate the need for the trach.
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