Episode 3 of The Bachelor took place on Monday, Jan 18th and things are getting very interesting on the show. While most people thought that Olivia was the only one creating the drama, that is certainly not shaping up to be the case. Angry women were abound and they were giving Jubilee the treatment. P.S. did you know Olivia just spent $40,000 on clothes for the show? Yeah, this is getting to be fun. Here are some highlights in case you missed the show:
Lauren B. got the first one-on-one date of the episode and it was pretty awesome. Ben picked her up at her house and they headed to the airport in a vintage car. Where did they take the plane? We’ll share all the clips with you down below.
We can tell you this. When they landed in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, a single hot tub was set up just for them. It was very romantic aside from the fact that an entire crew was filming them! What were your favorite moments? We have a TON of them for you below:
If the girls try to confront Jubilee of course Ben is going to step in. What were they expecting?
An upset Jubilee gets a rose
Why does Jubilee like hot dogs so much?
Jubilee is NOT a fan of heights
Jubilee is shocked she got a 1 on 1 date card
Olivia has got a bad attitude and bad….toes?
Aggressive much?
The ladies do NOT like Olivia and are not afraid to share it.
Olivia reads into Ben’s body language
Rachel Tchen gets injured!
Olivia Caridi calls Emily Ferguson “Beast Mode Emily” for blocking all of Olivia’s teams goals.
Olivia looks stressed but gets the final rose
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