The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 18 Review: “Fertility Bites”

The Mindy Project

Mindy is making a habit of telling lies about Danny whenever it’s convenient for her so far this season The Mindy Project.  Last night in particular her slip of the tongue in front of Cousin Lou escalated into another awkward and embarrassing moment for Danny.  They’re beyond petty fights now, and even though his ego was temporarily hurt, the couple ended up closer than ever before when Mindy decided  it was time she finally moved in with him.

It’s about time she officially moved in!  They’re expecting a baby, of course, but she’s already been spending all her nights there.  So yay, that was a very welcome development in the episode.  That’s part of what I love about Mindy and Danny’s relationship so much.  Their personalities are so different that even if they were married for ten or twenty years, they would never get bored with each other.  She can mistakenly blurt out that their baby is a product of Danny’s own fertility issues, and he’ll roll with the punches.  It was hilarious when Cousin Lou called him Cousin Dan because of their shared problems.  Needless to say, we should be so lucky to see Lou and his girlfriend much more often!

Of course, Mindy only had to tell that little white lie about Danny’s infertility because she’s having a hard time recruiting patients to her new fertility clinic without having treated any successful patients before.  The old catch-22: you need experience to gain experience.  I think everyone can relate to this, especially when looking for a job!

Fortunately, the new doctor in the Shulman offices happens to need an apartment, and in exchange, Adrian will refer his patients to Mindy’s fertility practice.  This worked out a little too neatly but hey, it’s TV.  When Dr. Bergdahl was interviewing for the open position, he was very obnoxious about the fact that he lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia.  I thought maybe that commute was the obvious reason he was sleeping in his car in New York, and thereby being an all-around grump towards the nurses.  If his attitude doesn’t improve towards Morgan, Beverly, and Tamra now that they so kindly got him his job back, they better not hesitate to tattle on him to Jeremy again.

Notable quotables:

-”Do you even know what my job is?! I mean I definitely know it, I just wanna hear someone else say it.” – Beverly proving that she’s the Creed Bratton equivalent of The Mindy Project

-”A pregnant Indian American woman starting her own business.  I’m hoping they do a documentary series about it.” – Mindy never giving up on her dreams

-”I guess we were a little Hakuna Matata about protection.  I should’ve been more Matata.” – Danny revealing the very surprising details of his and Mindy’s New Years Eve in Times Square when they conceived Baby C.

What did you think of “Fertility Bites”?

[Photo via FOX]

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