8-Year-old Megan Jones Creates Animation Showing the Plight of Polar Bears

8-Year-old Megan Jones Creates Animation Showing the Plight of Polar Bears

When I was 8-years-old I most certainly wasn’t making any films let alone thinking about the plight of any animal on earth.  If anything I’d go to the zoo and marvel at all the wildlife like any other child.  However, we don’t live the same world we did 30 years ago.  Megan Jones is an 8-year-old living in today’s world and clearly she’s as cerebral as they come.   She created a moving animation for a homework assignment on animals and endangered species. It shows how polar bears are threatened by climate change. After impressing her teachers and classmates, the video went another step further when it was shared by Greenpeace on their Twitter feed.

I don’t know what the homework assignment was for the class but I cannot believe it was to create a Stopmotion animated film. Megan wrote the story, directed and animated it herself.  Once again folks, she is 8 years old. I’m 38 years old and couldn’t tackle a project like this if I tried.  And the special thing here is that there are loads of people out there who have no idea what’s going on with Polar Bears.  But with climate change it’s evident this species is in trouble.  Hopefully the little girl’s message reaches some of the higher ups in the White House to do something about this.

Check out the video below:

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