Credit: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Superheroes have held our fascination for the longest time. We marvel at their superhuman speed or incredible feats of strength. Allowing our imaginations to run riot as we take in the endless possibilities for our favorite comic book characters. And many a nerd fight has been started with the words, “But who would be harder to kill?”
On that note, we have compiled a list of some of the most powerful beings in comic book history.
1. Galactus
Galactus is old. Really, really, old. According to comic book lore, Galactus existed before the Big Bang. That means that Galactus is older than our known universe.
That longevity alone would earn him a place amongst Marvel’s pantheon of gods and demigods. But that isn’t all that Galactus can do.
With almost limitless cosmic power, Galactus is terrifying as an opponent. His powers include super strength, and the ability to transmute matter and manipulate energy, making Galactus formidable.
And we haven’t even mentioned the planet-eating thing yet. Galactus feeds on entire planets to survive, earning him the title of “devourer of worlds”.
How do you even begin to go about killing a god?
2. Deadpool

Credit: Deadpool
You couldn’t have a list of hard-to-kill comic book characters without the loveable and indestructible Deadpool front and centre.
Marvel’s snarkiest superhero (No, it’s not Spiderman, we took a poll), Deadpool has the ability to heal from pretty much any injury he sustains. Okay, Marvel Zombies’ Headpool doesn’t count.
Whether you have watched Ryan Reynolds as the cinematic Deadpool, or just read the comic books, you will know that Deadpool has suffered a long list of injuries. This includes being dismembered, gored by an elephant, and turned into a boneless cape.
Deadpool’s healing ability is so remarkable that he is able to pull his various pieces back together and knit himself back to being Deadpool, even after being blown to bits. Definitely not easy to kill.
3. Phoenix Force
Phoenix Force is a cosmic entity that predates all life in the universe. First introduced over 40 years ago as Jean Grey’s Phoenix, Phoenix Force is an incredibly powerful cosmic being, who is both indestructible and immortal.
The Phoenix Force is made up of all psionic energy that exists or will ever exist within the Marvel multiverse.
As a being of pure energy, Phoenix Force is functionally impossible to kill. Phoenix Force remains one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, regardless of the host. Although several very powerful Marvel characters have served as Phoenix Force’s host, including Jean Grey, Emma Frost, and even Professor X.
4. Doctor Manhattan

Credit: Watchmen
Technically, Doctor Manhattan has only died once. The accident that would create Dr Manhattan occurred when Dr Jonathan Osterman, a nuclear physicist, was completely disintegrated within the chamber of a nuclear generator.
The result was a being with almost limitless power. Dr Manhattan’s abilities know almost no bounds. To name just a few of them, he has telekinesis, precognition, and super strength. Not to mention his ability to warp time and wield the power of molecular construction.
And let’s also not forget that he was a genius before any of this started.
As a functionally immortal super being whose skill set includes invulnerability, regeneration, and molecular reconstruction, amongst others, you are going to have a supernaturally hard time trying to take Dr Manhattan down.
5. Death (Marvel)
Another ancient character, Marvel’s Death, is said to be as old as the universe itself. Death is the embodiment of destruction and decay.
Because Death is a fundamental force, she has no true physical body. She usually appears as the characteristic Death skeleton but has also appeared as a robed woman.
Death is an entity that exists on a cosmic level, and as such, is basically able to create any outcome she wants. She has the unlimited ability to manipulate magic, reality, energy, time and space for whatever purpose she sees fit.
In order for Death to die, the foundational principles of the universe would have to be changed.
Death can’t die because Death was never alive in the first place.
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