5 Characters Who Could’ve Ended Movies With One Line and One Line Only

5 Characters Who Could’ve Ended Movies With One Line and One Line Only

Sometimes plot lines tend to go a little too long and the story can become extremely complicated when it should be simple. Here are some solutions to those otherwise too long films that could have been solved so much sooner.

5. Tony Stark could have put greater limits on Ultron. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Tony: “If you had to guess, what’s it look like?” Bruce: “Like it’s thinking.” Next line? Shut it down. An AI thinking for itself has never been a great idea in the history of humanity, especially in film.  The moment we make something that can out think and out maneuver us is the moment that we write our own downfall in the annals of history. That’s why creating AI that can think in the real world is starting to terrify people.

4. Superman could have ended Zod’s threat early on. Superman

Superman: “Hurts doesn’t it?” Superman says this to Zod when the general’s helmet fails and he’s assailed by every sensation all at once, something that Superman had to learn to deal with. At that moment he could end Zod without any difficulty, but he doesn’t. The next line should have been something like “This’ll ease your pain.” , right before Superman ends him. Of course this isn’t holding with the caped crusader’s image, but then neither is causing as much damage as he did in the movie, which had the potential to kill so many more.

3. Batman could have ended Superman earlier. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman is a master tactician but after seeing what Superman was capable of you would think that he’d make a reasonable assumption that once he had him on the ropes it would be time to finish him. That means the spear he was about to use should have been closer at hand. It would have robbed the world of Superman and made the Batman a killer, but in this movie it doesn’t look like that would have changed much. Instead of coming to the famous Martha line it should have ended with “Even gods can die” or something like that.

2. The marines could have left Skull Island a lot earlier. Kong: Skull Island

You just saw an entire tree come sailing through the air to take out a helicopter with ease. The next line in that movie should have been “Abort! Fall back and retreat!”. But of course that’s not Samuel L. Jackson’s M.O. when it comes to being a tough guy in the movies, and so he’s allowed to spark a vendetta with Kong that eventually causes his demise and the death of a lot of good soldiers.

1. Alien technology should typically be left alone. Thor

Dr. Selvig being called down by Nick Fury wasn’t so much a request as it was an order, but his interest in the Tesseract was already apparent. The only problem that existed was that Loki, who was definitely not dead, was shown to be manipulating the scene the entire time. Now if Nick Fury had kept his mouth shut and placed the Tesseract well away from anyone that had anything to do with the Thor incident this problem might have been averted. So this would have taken the absence of anyone saying anything about something to make things a little bit different.

See? All it takes sometimes is to fix the problem before things get too out of hand.


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