5 Best Nintendo Switch Games

Nintendo has a rich history of creating iconic game franchises, many of which exclusively find a home on the Switch. After the Nintendo Switch was released in 2017, it rapidly became one of the fastest-selling gaming consoles of all time. During its first year on the market, the Switch surpassed sales expectations, with high demand often outpacing supply. It quickly reaped a reputation for its ability to provide immersive gaming experiences both at home and on the go.

The Switch made a bold move by adding Joy-Con controllers, which you can use on their own or clip onto the console for various gameplay styles. Also, the HD Rumble and the IR motion camera deliver one-in-a-million gaming sensations. The hybrid design is also a revolution as players can seamlessly switch between handheld and console gaming modes. Some of the early titles released for the Nintendo Switch have also become chart dominators upon release.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game screenshot

The Legend of Zelda has collected a massive fandom from all corners of the globe and has become one of the most deeply favored franchises in the gaming industry. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild revolutionizes the franchise with its unmatched sense of surprise and adventure. The story opens with Link awakening in a post-apocalyptic Hyrule, where nature has reclaimed much of the land and ancient machines of war lie dormant. Couldn’t be more different from its predecessors, it breaks away from a rigid structure and offers more avenues for self-discovery.

It has spawned numerous sequels, spin-offs, manga adaptations, an animated television series, and even a highly successful line of merchandise. The art style is a feast for the eyes. Colors pop, landscapes stretch out in breathtaking vistas, and the world feels alive with every gust of wind or passing cloud. Exploring dense forests or scaling snowy peaks, each environment is meticulously designed to draw you in. The game features a sophisticated physics engine that governs the behavior of objects and elements in the game world. The fact that it won numerous Game of the Year awards and is regarded as one of the best video games ever made speaks for itself.

Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 3 game screenshot

The third entry dares to inject new vitality into its decade-and-a-half-old combat system. Bayonetta 3 boldly reinvents the series’ classic combat system while still retaining its nostalgic style. The game picks up with Bayonetta facing off against new threats alongside familiar faces, all while exposing a plot filled with twists, turns, and over-the-top action. Chaos is going to escalate as things progress from there. Bayonetta 3 drops in new weapons and dilemmas as Bayonetta tries to collect the chaos gears and stop Singularity from taking over everything.

An extensive selection of weapons and the ingenious Demon Slave concept also take combat into balancing danger with the promise of great gains. Summoning dominant allies into battle is possible with this, even with the attached risks. The addition of Viola as a playable character also cleverly complements Bayonetta’s style with her own unique flair. Taking it all in, Bayonetta 3 exceeds expectations and cements its status as a contender for one of the best games of its genre.

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey game screenshot

Super Mario Odyssey was one of the earliest major releases for the Nintendo Switch. It was launched worldwide just a few months after the Switch itself in 2017, and it quickly reigned over the charts. The storyline traces Mario’s classic quest to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser. However, this time around, Bowser has set his sights on marrying Peach and has kidnapped her, intending to force her into marriage. He also plans to use an assortment of items and locations from across the globe to create a grand wedding bash.

Mario will then run into a sentient hat named Cappy. Cappy’s sister, Tiara, has also been kidnapped by Bowser to be used as part of Peach’s wedding ensemble. Mario’s ability to throw Cappy is one of the qualities that make the game quirky in its own way, which can be used to control objects and enemies. The game also gives you ways to crack puzzles and cruise through levels in a blast. Super Mario Odyssey also has tight and responsive controls for executing precise platforming maneuvers with ease.

The game also bridges the gap between accessibility for all skill levels, appealing to both newcomers and hardcore gamers. The graphics are nothing short of phenomenal. Coupled with its stellar gameplay, memorable music, and wealth of content. There’s only one way to put it together, and that’s with Super Mario Odyssey being a work of art that racked up all possible awards as soon as it was released.

Luigi’s Mansion 3

Luigi's Mansion 3 game screenshot

Though Mario tends to steal the show, Luigi has carved out his own niche within the series and even had his very own. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is the third installment in the Luigi’s Mansion series. The plot tracks the voyage of Luigi, along with his friends and family, including Mario, Princess Peach, and some Toads, as they get invited to a luxurious hotel called The Last Resort. However, things take an eerie turn when they discover that the hotel is haunted by ghosts, and King Boo captures Mario and company.

Personality-wise, Luigi is typically painted as more timid and nervous than Mario, but he radiates a kind heart and a strong sense of justice. Even though he can be a bit twitchy at times, Luigi always stands tall when his friends and loved ones are in danger, proving himself to be a hero in his own right. This gameplay mechanic is much more about using tactics and wit rather than relying solely on combat skills. Luigi must solve puzzles, battle ghosts, and use his Poltergust to suck up spectral enemies and expose secrets.

The Pottergust is used to suck up ghosts, employing a combination of suction and a strobe light to stun them before capturing them, a feature hardly ever encountered in other games. Luigi’s Mansion 3 also pulled off a clever move with the introduction of Gooigi, a gooey doppelganger of Luigi created by Professor E. Gadd. Gooigi can be summoned by players in single-player mode or controlled by a second player in multiplayer mode. Even though the plot may appear dull to those who haven’t experienced the game, just like Super Mario Odyssey, it clinched Game of the Year honors in 2019.


Fortnite game screenshot

Fortnite has managed to maintain its status as a titan in the battle royale genre despite mounting competition. It is a battle royale-style game in which up to 100 players clash against each other until only one person remains standing. The overarching premise of Fortnite is based on a cataclysmic event that has caused the majority of the world’s population to disappear, leaving behind zombie-like creatures called Husks. Players can compete solo, in duos, or squads.

The solo mode is about outlasting all other competitors, while duos compete against other duos to be the last team standing, and squads involve tactical plotting as players work together to claim victory. Fortnite’s building mechanic is its most defining feature. Gather resources such as wood, stone, and metal, and use them to construct various structures like walls, floors, ramps, and roofs in real-time. Even though the skins’ in Fortnite don’t alter gameplay mechanics, they have become somewhat of a signature or hallmark for the game.

Some skins in Fortnite are limited-time or exclusive items that are highly sought after by players. It can be through in-game challenges, battle passes, or special events that one obtains rare or exclusive rewards. Either way, it adds a sense of achievement and status within the community. Those are just a modest selection of the experiences out of hundreds that you can have with Fortnite. At last, Fortnite has morphed from just a game into a full-blown cultural phenomenon and trendsetter. If that is still not enough, here’s how Borderlands also became one of the best-selling video game franchises.

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