For those of you are are into following virtually every bit of Star Wars news that comes out the moment that it comes out, you might remember that last June, a special edition of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack was released on vinyl, with a special bonus: holograms that appear to float above, and beneath, the discs. According to Mentalfloss
In the two-disc set, each has a B-side that contains music on the outer edge of the disc, and a specially etched center area. In that center area is the nifty hologram. You set the disc playing and point a directional light (like a small flashlight) at the center area. When viewed this way, two 3D holograms appear and rotate–and you’re simultaneously playing the soundtrack! The etchings were made by Tristan Duke.
The two holograms that you get to see are the Millennium Falcon and a TIE fighter. In the video you are about to see, the two holograms are in full action. If you still have a vinyl record player you very well might want to get your hands on one of these. Could be a great collector’s item someday.
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