“Young, Famous and African” Season 1, Episode 7 Recap

“Young, Famous and African” Season 1, Episode 7 Recap

Since his Arabian-themed party, Tanzanian musician Diamond Platnumz has been missing in action. The last time we saw him on Young, Famous & African, the “Gere” hitmaker was trying his luck with South African rapper Nadia Nakai. At the time, Nadia was seeing someone and was confused about the connection she shared with Diamond. The pursuit of Nadia continues, except this time Nadia is a single girl. Not only have we learned of her breakup, but Nadia revealed through a conversation with Quinton that her relationship with men is flaky. The final episode begins with Diamond giving Nadia a call. For a few minutes, Diamond narrates how busy he’s been, traveling countries and finalizing his album. Nadia thinks he’s simply making excuses for ghosting her. She however lets him in the know about Zari’s drama with other members of the cast.

Therapy is looking good on Quinton and Kayleigh, who are now on speaking terms. They show up at a restaurant to meet Andile and Zari, who Quinton has shipped. He now calls them ‘Zandile’. Not too shabby, Quinton. When ‘Zandile’ steps into the room, the chemistry is undeniable. That there are sparks flying everywhere is now an open secret. Zari is surprised that the Andile question keeps popping up. When Diamond was having his thing going with Nadia, it was never an issue. Now that she’s in the same position, everyone’s on her case. Andile learns of what a trainwreck the train ride was, and how his soon-to-be flame caught all the smoke. Away from the restaurant, Nadia has her own meetup with Khanyi, who is giving her the tea. Khanyi feels like she is a reporter since Nadia is never really around. Asked why her wig did not come off during the altercation, Khanyi maintains that her money is more important. Nadia is skeptical about attending Annie’s wedding. If Zari is going to be there, she’d rather not show up.

The wedding bells are ringing. Annie’s mood has shifted now that her children are on the way. As usual, her best friend Swanky is here to help her welcome her beautiful girls. We get snippets of the preparation. South Africa’s finest, Precious the Planner, is bringing her A-game to the table. Annie’s big day looks promising, and the children being here makes the moment special. Annie’s youngest daughter, Olivia, is quite the charmer. At seven, she speaks her mind. She does not mind teasing her parents when the time calls for it. She’s a delight in every way. At this moment, Annie feels blessed.
Prior to their big day, Annie and 2Baba are having their bachelorette and bachelor parties. The boys are going to get behind the wheel blindfolded and will be helped to navigate the track by a partner. Quinton is all for the idea, except he has different ways of burning rubber. He likens this exercise to couple’s therapy, where someone has to learn how to let the other lead. He does surprisingly well, unlike Swanky and Andile who are an odd pairing. In real life, Andile and swanky are good friends, but that doesn’t make for a good partnership when one is blindfolded.

Over at the girls’ side, Kayleigh is the first to walk into a Khanyi-organized bachelorette party. They haven’t seen each other since the train, so there’s a lot to catch up on. Kayleigh is midway through letting Khanyi know the ‘Zandile’ situation when Zari walks in. The conversation shifts. Everyone is hoping what happened at the train doesn’t come up. Nadia, who is often a no-show, makes her way to Annie’s bachelorette party. There’s a lot of awkwardness in the room, which Khanyi breaks by asking everyone to get naked. Within no time, the girls have changed into their pajamas. You can trust Nadia to always bring up uncomfortable topics. She wants to know what happened on the train. The can of worms is open, and there’s no turning back. Khanyi’s mad that she hasn’t gotten an apology from Zari yet. Zari, on the other hand, feels that there’s no apology to be made. Nadia equates talking to Zari to conversing with a brick. She’s so focused on what she already believes in that she won’t listen to outside opinions. “Do you wanna be friends with us?” she asks.

Before Zari can give her an answer, Swanky walks in, and almost immediately, Annie’s face lights up. The room is full of joy once again. Swanky has brought with him a surprise, Annie’s friend from Lagos. Annie is emotional and impressed by Khanyi’s organizational skills. She knew Tanya was coming, yet she did not speak a word. In Khanyi, Annie is making a friend she never knew she needed. Zari is forever the elephant in the room. Annie makes it clear that she does not want her to attend the wedding. She simply does not need negative energy on that day.
After her party, Annie is in more familiar territory with her husband, Tanya, Swanky, and her children. There’s no tension in the room. Everything feels like home. At the table, Annie asks her husband for more amazing years with no cheating. Olivia, her youngest, has the perfect analogy that defines her parents’ relationship. It’s like that of her and her sister. They fight and love in equal measure. On Annie’s wedding day, Precious the Planner has outshone herself. Love is in the air. It’s seen in every flower arrangement, every piece of cutlery, every glitter. Precious has given Annie what she was looking for and more.

2Baba has chosen Andile to be the minister at his wedding. Quinton, who’s not one to sugarcoat things, is surprised that the most promiscuous man in the group has been given that honor. Khanyi is showing up for her friend, even though she’s still not convinced. Every time Annie has mentioned her marriage, it has had everything to do with the hurts she’s been through. Annie’s account of her marriage involves the compromises she has made as 2Baba’s wife. Looking at her on the day of her wedding, however, there’s genuine happiness in there. The couple is looking stylish, thanks to the god of style himself, Swanky. Having seen Swanky’s handiwork, Quinton apologizes for what happened at the blue train. Zari is conspicuously missing from the wedding, so is Diamond, whose flight was delayed. Andile leaves the wedding to check on Zari, only to find out Diamond was tucking his children to sleep. The episode comes to an end as Andile tells Diamond he’s been talking to Zari.Young, Famous & African

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