Yorgos Lanthimos Announces 2025 Release for Bugonia Remake

Up next from Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) is Bugonia, an English-language remake of 2003’s Korean genre-bender Save the Green Planet!, which has Ari Aster (Hereditary, Midsommar) attached to produce. It’s been officially announced that we can expect Lanthimos’ latest in 2025.

Yorgos Lanthimos Announces 2025 Release for Bugonia Remake

Lanthimos and Focus Features Team Up

Focus Features will release Bugonia in theaters on November 7, 2025. This much-anticipated movie will star Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons.

Yorgos Lanthimos Announces 2025 Release for Bugonia Remake

A Different Kind of Storytelling

The off-beat, black comedy-sci-fi mashup follows a man who believes the world is on the verge of an alien invasion and sets out to save the planet by first kidnapping his boss. In the original film, Byeong-gu believes Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion and that he’s the only one who can save it. With his loyal girlfriend’s help, he kidnaps and brutally tortures corporate execs and politicians he believes to be aliens in disguise.

A Distinctive Blend of Genres

The film is a unique genre mashup, mixing sci-fi, comedy, horror, paranoia, and extreme violence. Swinging with youthful abandon between white-knuckle suspense, absurd slapstick, grim horror and a deeply felt (and earned) sense of tragedy, Save The Green Planet!, says producers Ari Aster and Lars Knudsen.

Lanthimos’s Devotion to Film

Lanthimos has a distinct preference for shooting on film over digital formats. As he mentioned in an interview, That’s why I wish to shoot everything on film! I have shot a couple of films digitally and I totally hated the experience. I just don’t appreciate the process.

Yorgos Lanthimos Announces 2025 Release for Bugonia Remake

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