After successful premieres, we can now enjoy the battle between two great TV productions – ‘House of the Dragon and ‘The Rings o Power.’ Both are fantasy series based on a great book series, and both are considered the main shows of this season. Indeed, Fall 2022 gave us some big premieres, intriguing news, and huge rumors.
Now, this is the news!
As Daniel Richman said, it is possible for ‘House of the Dragon’ season 2 to add two big names to its cast. We are speaking Henry Cavill (‘Man of Steel) and Elizabeth Olsen (‘Wanda Vision’). Although still not confirmed by HBO, the news was reposted worldwide by different media, from fan sites to the most significant news pages.
A famous industry insider and self-proclaimed scooper, Daniel Richtman, claims that those two big Hollywood stars could be a new acquisition to the cast of the next season of House of the Dragon.

Source: HBO
Will Henry Cavill or Elizabeth Olsen be in the 2nd season of ‘House of the Dragon’?
Choosing Henry Cavill to join the Dragon’s crew wouldn’t surprise anyone. After ‘Man of steel’ or ‘The Witcher,’ Cavill became one of the leading superstars on Netflix.
He showed us multiple Times that he feels excellent acting in the fantasy genre or historical drama (‘The Tudors’). So we are sure he could add A LOT to the ongoing series.
Elizabeth Olsen’s star shines bright after creating one of the best MCU female characters – Wanda Vision, aka Scarlett Witch. Now is when Olsen should use the momentum and give a good spin to her career. TV shows with a big budget, like HBO’s ‘House of the Dragon, would be a great addition to her blooming career.
But Elisabeth Olsen, loved by not only the MCU’s fans, has nothing to prove. She has already shown us her acting skill, and we can’t wait to see her in some badass fantasy drama.
Whom could Cavill play?
There is no information about whom Cavill or Olsen could play, nor the official confirmation of Richtman’s revelation. But we must consider at least some possible rumors due to the history of scooper fulfilled prophecies (such as the exact dates of MCU’s new trailers premieres).
Some speculate that Henry would play Aegon the Conqueror (the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms) or Cregan Stark (the Stark family were the main characters for the ‘Game of Thrones show). Let’s not forget that Cavill is still obliged by contract with Netflix and the third season of the Witcher.
Also, this is another rumor about Henry playing a significant role in the next fantasy/sci-fi blockbuster. There were theories about him joining MCU or making the next Superman movie. Which of those rumors are accurate? We have to wait and see.
Who does Elizabeth Olsen play in the House of the Dragon?
Who could Elizabeth Olsen play? There are a lot of badass female characters in George R. R. Martin’s universe, starting with Melisandre and the Black Swan.
Whom would we like to see in season two?
Our choice:
- Who could make great Aegon the conqueror? Users of TikTok hope for Cavill to fulfill the role of Lee Pace.
- Alexander Ludwig – ‘Viking’s star could enter 2nd season as another Lannister character. His piercing eyes and bold presence remind us of king Jeffrey, portrayed by exceptional Jack Gleeson.
- Alexander Skarsgård would swipe half of the audience off their feet. Talented, successful, and handsome Swede would fit into the cast just right, stealing hearts and… some dragons, maybe?

Source: HBO
HBO, we need more dragons!
Meanwhile, the second season of House of the Dragons is already confirmed. The bar is higher and higher with every successive episode of 1st season, so we should expect more stars to join the cast.
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