We Have to Mention Kumail Nanjiani’s Body Transformation for The Eternals

We Have to Mention Kumail Nanjiani’s Body Transformation for The Eternals

Kumail Nanjiani is coming to the MCU and he’s doing it in style as his body transformation for his upcoming role in The Eternals is nothing short of awe-inspiring given how much he’s changed. Some folks might think that he might have gone and photoshopped his head to some other guy’s body but the truth is that Kumail managed to create a new look for himself for the movie that will be featuring him and several other big name stars in a movie about one of the least-known groups in the Marvel universe at this point. Sandra Gonzalez of CNN has more to say on this matter. Marvel fans might want to argue that point but the truth is that while the Eternals have been around for a very long time their popularity has been anything but pervasive in the Marvel universe since they’ve kind of come and gone throughout the years without a whole lot of fanfare. The same could be said of Shang-Chi as well and a few other heroes and villains that might be making their way to the MCU eventually, but given that they’re on their way to a platform where they’ll be seen by a massive number of people it’s fair to say that they’re going to be, hopefully, much better off with the current representation they’re getting.

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I never thought I’d be one of those people who would post a thirsty shirtless, but I’ve worked way too hard for way too long so here we are. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I found out a year ago I was going to be in Marvel’s Eternals and decided I wanted to transform how I looked. I would not have been able to do this if I didn’t have a full year with the best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio in the world. I’m glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time. So big thanks to @grantrobertsfit who started working with me at the beginning of the year and made me understand true physical pain for months and months. Then, once we started shooting, a massive thanks to @davidhigginslondon and his team (@ellispartridge, @thebeardypt, @tomcheesemanfitness) for training me almost every day and making me strong, limber and injury free. I can almost touch my toes now. (And thank you for forcing me to do cheat meals David.) Matthews Street Catering for their delicious and healthy meals. And finally, the biggest thanks goes to @emilyvgordon for putting up with me complaining and talking about only working out and dieting for the last year. I promise I’ll be interesting again some day. #thirstyshirtless (Photo by @markupson.) (edit: I left off one very important person: @lancecallahan who trained me for 6 years and helped me build the foundation I could use to do this. Thank you!)

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The story line for The Eternals isn’t really known yet but a hope is that we’ll get to see an origin story of sorts or a more current conflict that the group will be placed in so as to explain who they are and why it’s important to anyone. It will also be interesting to see if there’s any connection to the Avengers at all or if this movie will seek to continue forward instead of looking back. I say this because one of the Eternal’s most powerful enemies, Thanos, was a Deviant, basically the opposite of an Eternal, that was born to their ranks but spurned from a very young age. As it’s already been revealed in the past Thanos’ mother wanted to kill him upon looking at the child, though of course the Marvel universe would have been a lot different had this been part of the original story line. What it does sound like is that the story might cover a lot of ground while showing the continual battle between the Eternals and the Deviants while introducing a number of characters at the same time, including the Black Knight, who is a character that some Marvel fans might remember as one of the Avengers from the comics.

In a big way The Eternals and other movies coming in the next phase are being set up to expand the universe and possibly the multiverse and even introduce another massive wave of characters that a lot of casual fans likely know next to nothing about. While this phase won’t likely include the X-Men or Fantastic Four and many others we’d like to see, there’s still plenty of time since the MCU is being mapped out continually and ideas are hopefully flowing thick and free without any real restraint other than what’s needed to keep it from going completely off the rails. Thus far The Eternal will be one of the movies that really takes things to a level that we haven’t seen since the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, since in that movie we had a glimpse, just a glimpse, of Galactus, who is a cosmic entity of enormous power that can consume entire worlds and bestow power upon others in a manner that’s unheard of by many characters. The Eternals however are a race that is built from power and imbued with it on a level that could easily trump many heroes and villains given that they are so incredibly strong.

There’s no doubt that every single person involved in this movie is going to be looking their absolute best, but as many people already know Kumail was never much of a hero-looking type despite being in decent shape. This current look goes beyond anything that people have experienced with him and whether some folks, mostly those that love to talk about body-shaming in one way or another, like it or not he’s going to look perfect for the part since in the Marvel universe most of the heroes and the villains look pretty ripped. People can argue about this all they want, but the fact of the matter is that in comics the heroes are usually in peak condition so that when the time comes they’re not caught unawares and out of shape, which would render them incapable of fighting off the bad guys as efficiently as they can. Some heroes can get by without being so heavily-muscled since they rely on other skills, but as The Eternals are all essentially perfect in form and many other ways, Kumail’s transformation is bound to work just fine for his role in the movie.

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