It’s so easy to discount voice actors unless they’re known onscreen as live action actors as well that a lot of them don’t seem to get enough credit. Darin de Paul is one of those that you might not know unless you really dig into the credits of anything he’s done and find out whatever you can about him. The man has done enough voice over work to be recognized as one of the most talented voice actors in the business yet you don’t really notice him unless you happen to be the kind of fan that would run their eyes up and down the credits list looking for who played what part. Plus he’s contributed to enough shows that he should be known, but once again it’s hard to really get into someone’s career when they’re not presented as live action unless you’re the type that really pays that much attention. That’s the one problem with voice acting, unless you show your face on a regular basis a lot of folks might not know who you are.
Just so you get a good idea, here are some of the parts he’s done that might spark your attention.
Justice League Action – Sinestro
Anyone that’s a DC fan knows that Sinestro might not be the major big bad in the comics but he’s still someone that gives the heroes pause, and as a rule he needs to sound menacing as well as look the part. Darin gives Sinestro a positively lethal and menacing voice that’s decidedly evil, which is spot on for the character and easily draws one’s attention to the fact that he is without any real redeeming values in the story. To play an evil character there really has to be an air of menace in a person’s voice and Darin brings that quality out without any trouble in this story.
Overwatch – Reinhardt
It’s amazing how a smaller guy can project his voice in a way to make himself sound as though he stands several feet taller and is a big, burly man that could possibly crush an average-sized person with one hand. That’s a quality that Darin has though and he’s able to use it to great effect by putting his voice into his characters in such a way that you can’t help but be impressed with the level of skill he uses his vocals with.
He’s not just a voice actor.
Darin has also performed on Broadway in theaters and on national tours. In terms of projecting his voice you can imagine how much this helped since it allowed him to gain confidence and poise when speaking his lines and when delivering them in a strong and very decisive manner. The ability to project your voice is something that a lot of actors have learned throughout their careers and it’s something that you can easily guess is a prized quality in many of them since they need to be able to be heard and not just seen. Darin however has been just the opposite for a while now as voice acting has kind of been the majority of his career and has allowed him to excel in a skill that he happens to be quite good at.
A lot of people think that voice acting is easy and not all that challenging, but one thing you have to remember is that voice actors are every bit the actor that live action stars are. They have to follow cues, they have to exercise proper timing, and they have to watch their inflection and the tone of their voice just as much. Every word they speak has to match the project they’re working on or else they have to go back and do it again. Sometimes voice actors will spend hours trying to get the sound of the character’s voice and work it around in their own head until it makes sense. It’s not just a job where people walk in, speak into a mic, and then call it a day when they’re done. Multiple takes have to be recorded and the actor has to make certain that they’re in the proper frame of mind and can get into their character without breaking from it for the duration of the session.
To this date Darin de Paul has been absolutely great. He’s created enough voices to be well-known in the industry and has enough accomplishments to his name to be celebrated and honored among voice actors. While he’s not big on the live action scene these days he’s still lauded for his work behind the camera and on the mic. It takes someone that can modulate their voice in a certain way to really nail the art of voice acting, and Darin has managed to make a career out of it.
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