Three-Year-Old Son of Rodeo Champion Spencer Wright Passes After Tragic Accident

In a tragic turn of events, Levi Wright, the three-year-old son of renowned rodeo star Spencer Wright, has passed away. Levi was involved in an accident where he drove his toy tractor into a Utah river, resulting in severe brain injury.

The accident occurred two weeks ago, and despite brief moments of hope when Levi opened his eyes, his condition remained critical. Ultimately, his family made the heartbreaking decision to remove him from life support. Kallie Wright, Levi’s mother, previously shared on Facebook that the family would be removing the toddler from life support two weeks after the little boy drove his toy tractor into a Utah river.

Three-Year-Old Son of Rodeo Champion Spencer Wright Passes After Tragic Accident

Spencer Wright, known for winning the 2021 NFR title in Las Vegas, is deeply mourned by the rodeo community and his family. That’s me at Rodeo Austin about two years ago. Spencer recalled fondly.

Three-Year-Old Son of Rodeo Champion Spencer Wright Passes After Tragic Accident

A Family’s Unfathomable Loss

Rusty Wright expressed his sentiments about their close family ties and rodeo travels with: It’s really something I’ve dreamed about since I was little. It’s fun. It really is a neat experience. This loss hits particularly hard for a family so devoted and close-knit.

Community Support and Healing

The incident not only affects the Wright family but also resonates deeply within the rodeo community. Many have come forward offering their condolences and support during this heartbreaking time.

Remembering Young Levi

Levi’s short life was filled with joy and love from his family. He often accompanied Spencer to various rodeo events, creating cherished memories through their shared experiences. His presence will be immensely missed by all who knew him.

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