The Word “Jabroni” is Now in the Dictionary Thanks to Pro Wrestling

The Word “Jabroni” is Now in the Dictionary Thanks to Pro Wrestling

Anyone that’s been a WWE fan since the Attitude Era in the 90s will have heard the word ‘jabroni’ at least a dozen times throughout the career of The Rock, aka Dwayne Johnson, but the fact is that the word apparently originated with the famous heel, The Iron Sheik. Those of us that can remember before the 90s can likely recall the battles that this famous villain of the ring had with some of the best and brightest stars in his day since he was absolutely great as a heel and is one of the biggest legends in the WWE at this point. But while Johnson does credit the Iron Sheik with the first use of this word and as an inspiration to his career, it was The Rock that helped to make it so popular since day in and day out he would use it on a constant basis to describe some of the wrestlers around him, as part of his act, who he had nothing but apparent disdain for. Now, the word has been added to the dictionary, and to be certain, it’s a bit hilarious since when you consider that words such as bling are being added as well, it’s not that surprising. But just in case you needed a reference as to what jabroni means, it has a couple of different applications. One of those is to address a person that’s foolish or otherwise contemptible, while another explanation is that it refers to a wrestler as a jobber, a person that is expected to lose to build up the reputations of others.

Being called a jobber is, to many established wrestlers, just as big of an insult as being called incompetent or foolish, and there’s no doubt that if Dwayne had ever meant the insult that a lot of wrestlers would have felt a little put out since no one wants to be told that they’re simply there to be ring fodder. But thankfully, Dwayne has been one of the best wrestlers to ever step foot in the squared circle and his insults and on-stage persona has been absolutely great through the years since he’s handed down some of the finest insults out of anyone, and he’s done it in a way that has made it clear that jabroni will now be considered an actual word. So if anyone happens to hear a person being called jabroni they can now be certain that it is an actual word and not just something they picked up as a wrestling fan or by watching old clips of the WWE.

A lot of folks probably can’t remember the Iron Sheik using the word as often as The Rock largely because the WWE has grown in leaps and bounds over the years when it comes to how many fans have been turned on to the show and how many have taken to emulating the superstars. While it’s very true that many people enjoyed the stars of the past, the program has become such a worldwide sensation that many people have come to learn about the company and the stars in a very casual way, where at one point in time only the most hardcore fans knew that much about pro wrestling and could fully appreciate every nuance that made it what it has become. While neither the Iron Sheik nor The Rock wrestles any longer, though they do show up occasionally, they are both legends of wrestling history and their exploits are well-known and their characters have found a special place in the hearts of many fans. Obviously many wrestlers have made their mark in the WWE over the years, but this one contribution that a lot of people might not fully understand until they know the story behind it, and why the word ‘jabroni’ is something that many people would likely take as an insult once they hear it.

It’s easy to think that many wrestlers are bound for fame and glory once they gain the attention of the WWE, and many of them have typically been wrestling for years before they ever get to the show. But out of the hundreds that have come and gone within the training centers and even on the show, there are only so many wrestlers that are really going to be remembered in a way that transcends history in this manner. Those that make a name for themselves are usually those that stand out in a way that is hard to miss since they go beyond the mat in their own way and find a place in the hearts and minds of the fans that makes it clear that they won’t be forgotten. Now though, there’s definitely another reason to celebrate the Iron Sheik and The Rock since getting a new word added to the English dictionary is huge, no matter that some folks might think otherwise.

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