The Bold and the Beautiful fans are sure that disappointment is a way of life, because it sometimes is a way of life. None of us get out of life without at least a few disappointments along the way, and that’s all right. It’s normal, and we get it. We don’t always get precisely what we want, which might just disappoint us in the moment. Most of the time, however, those disappointments turn into things that make us realize that better things are always ahead, and we love that. But, we know there are things that sometimes work out in a way that might be more than disappointing. In fact, it might be downright depressing and sad. And there are something things around here that make us sad. It’s a different feeling, and that isn’t always a good thing. These things are sad, and we want to know if they make you feel the same.
Flo’s Entire Life
She’s a new girl in town, and that’s fine. But, we cannot help but wonder and realize if there is anything in her life that is good at all. She’s been born into a family in which her mother had no idea which of the many, many men she slept with was the father of her daughter. She lived in Vegas for a long time in a life that didn’t make much sense to her, and she was so smitten with a man who was old enough to be her father, and she made a huge decision to go with him into a plan that caused her to take a baby from a happy couple, sell it to their friend/stepsister/ex-wife, and she did that for a few bucks. She also reconnected with the boy she was in love with in high school, she encouraged him to leave his girlfriend who kept a small secret from him that was not even a big deal, and she made horrible decisions. And now she’s living this life related to the family who she stole a baby from and lied to, and she’s living with the young man she loves so much, and her entire world is going to crash around her. She’s a sad girl through and through, and she makes us sad, too.
Brooke’s Entire Life
It’s hard not to love her, and it’s clear to us that fans do or she should not be around here from the very first day the show aired. But, she’s a sad woman, and we get that. She is a woman who never takes any responsibility for her life, her actions, or the way things go in her world. She is a woman who doesn’t seem to understand that her many actions hurt everyone around here. She is a woman who can do the most despicable things and blame them on other people and make them feel as if they are responsible for her own actions. She is a woman with so little self-esteem that she can sleep with her daughter’s husband and father a child with him. She can sleep with her teenage daughter’s boyfriend by accident, and she can have an affair with her own sister’s husband. She’s a horrible person, and she always blames that on everyone else. Each time she makes a life decision, we are just sad for her and the hurt she seems to put on herself each and every time.
Wyatt’s Life
We like him a lot. He might be one of our favorite people on the show, but his life makes us sad. He can never win. Just when it seems as if he is winning at something in his life, his family makes sure that doesn’t work for him. They take from him, they give to others, and they never seem at all apologetic about any of it. He never wins. His brother always wins everything that they do. He gets the girl, he gets his father’s attention, and he is someone who makes some pretty big, pretty ugly mistakes. Wyatt, on the other hand, is a calm, cool, collected, reasonable kind of guy. And yet, he never comes out on top. We don’t get it, and it doesn’t make any sense to us.
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