Texas Woman Uses Fans to Help Squirrels Beat the Heat

When a woman in Texas decided to leave a fan running on her back porch, she probably didn’t expect such a furry and curious visitor. One particularly hot day, a squirrel was spotted splooting right in front of the fan, seeking relief from the sweltering heat.

Texas Woman Uses Fans to Help Squirrels Beat the Heat

Understanding Squirrels’ Heat Behavior

The phenomenon of animals laying flat on their stomachs with limbs splayed out is known as splooting. According to Jules Maron of Austin Wildlife Rescue, There is less fur on the bellies of those animals, and there’s a lot of blood vessels, which makes concrete or fan-cooled surfaces ideal for cooling off.

Similarly, four-legged animals like squirrels sploot when they are exhausted from the heat because it helps them cool down more efficiently.

Caring for Local Wildlife

This unexpected but adorable encounter led the woman to realize she could do more for the local wildlife. In an effort to mitigate the heat for other creatures as well, she started considering additional fans for her porch setup.

Texas Woman Uses Fans to Help Squirrels Beat the Heat

Squirrel Deterrence Methods

The woman’s plan involved making her outdoor area as livable as possible. I’m looking to put an extra large fan under the roof, she said. She even considered high-end options like the Big A** Fan but found them quite pricey.

Understanding squirrel behavior is key to dealing with these creatures effectively. Applying deterrents made from natural substances can help keep them at bay while still providing comfort during summer days.

Practical Fan Placement Tips

For those considering similar setups, it’s crucial to focus on safety and aesthetics. For instance, fans placed at least eighteen inches off the wall ensure safety while blending seamlessly with outdoor furniture.

Texas Woman Uses Fans to Help Squirrels Beat the Heat

The results were almost immediate. As more fans were installed, other local squirrels found respite from the Heatwave, flocking to her porch and enjoying their newfound sanctuary.

Texas Woman Uses Fans to Help Squirrels Beat the Heat

This heartwarming story highlights how small actions can vastly improve animal welfare and our shared environment. It also serves as inspiration for others facing similar situations with local wildlife during extreme weather conditions.

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