Fire! Heh-heh-heh Fire!
Back at the warehouse of the Dots of Delusion, everyone’s packing furiously. A man walks into, and out of a restroom and as he exits Catherine walks by. There’s a metallic shiver-slice and his neck begins bleeding. The Terminator-on-a-rampage theme begins on the soundtrack and Catherine starts going to town. All those product-placed Bionicles bought the FX department enough cash to make it seem completely plausible that Shirley Manson could slice and dice her way through an entire warehouse of people, without touching a gun once. In HEELS. It’s still a lot of sound and shadow and trickery, but what’s actually shown onscreen is appropriately awesome. And? As Catherine is leaving the entire place blows up, engulfing her in flame as she casually strolls away.
Sherriff Caruso is only now listening to the digital recorder. It’s the death of Eileen and it’s enough to make him start doubting Sarah’s innocence. He orders Deputy Three to start faxing the feds and donning his sunglasses he leaves to go ‘look for a warehouse, at the end of the dirt road.’Yeee-ahhhh! An explosion outside rocks the building and Deputy Three rushes outside. Sarah’s truck has been firebombed, and since everyone’s outside with the marshmallows Derek has free reign inside to toss all the files on Sarah in a convenient trash can and light that up, too. …He’s not wearing gloves. DEREK! The Sherriff still has the recorder, but instead of securing it somewhere, or perhaps making a copy of it, he decides to go to the hospital with it. Because nothing bad ever happens in hospitals, does it?
Felicia operates and Sarah dreams. She’s with Kyle in a blasted field, the remains of an apple orchard where he and Derek used meet. He digs in the dirt and pulls up an empty ammo tin. Inside is a copy of the Picture. He kisses her softly and in the real world, Sarah calls out the name ‘Reese.’Felicia reassures her that she’s going to be OK, and that’s when Derek rushes in like his pants are on fire. Felicia grabs the gun and orders him to stay back because now she thinks he’s the one that shot Sarah. Derek asks her if she’s ever used a gun before and she nods. However, he does point out that it’s slightly easier with the safety off. She goes to remedy that and he pulls his own gun out. Standoff. ‘You wearing body armor? I am.’As pick-up lines go, it’s not the best, but Felicia begins to falter.
Out of nowhere Sherriff Caruso appears. No, really. Someone called ‘action’so he rushed into the morgue, brandishing a gun. Now the audience can realize (if they haven’t already) that the Sherriff’s the one who abused, or is abusing, Felicia. He starts barking orders at her, threatening her, and she pulls the trigger — Blammo. No more Sherriff Caruso. Whoever will wear the sunglasses in this town, now? Felicia starts to loose it as she rushes to check on the Sherriff, while Derek crosses to Sarah who’s slowly coming around. She calls him ‘Reese,’and now Felicia’s REALLY confused. She crosses to Derek and stammers, ‘You’re not dead?’Having the good sense not to laugh at the woman who just shot the Sherriff (but didn’t shoot the deputy), he simply nods and says, ‘Not yet.’Still flabbergasted, Felicia asks him if he’s the father, ‘John’s father?’Now Derek’s confused and wondering what in the hell Sarah’s been telling this woman. Sarah, barely awake and looking at Kyle, says Derek’s not the father.
Sarah’s finishing getting dressed as Derek takes the digital recorder out of the Sherriff’s pocket and mentions casually that the place is probably locked down. Me, I wonder why no one’s come to investigate gunshots in the morgue. Felicia’s almost completely deer-in-the-headlights, so Sarah assures her that any authorities will assume that Sarah was responsible. Shaking her head, Felicia says no, that’s not fair, he pointed it at her. I wouldn’t be the first time. She tells the pair to go and asks Sarah if anything she said was true. Sarah looks at her, contemplating.
‘I got shot.’
Driving away, Sarah tells Derek she wants to explain about John and Kyle. And this is the first time I realize that she’s never called Derek John’s uncle in front of him, so she’s still assuming that he doesn’t know about her tryst with his brother. This also means that neither Derek nor John have told her about the conversation they had about said relationship last season. (‘What He Beheld’1.9) Awkward. But before they can chew on that little nugget, Derek spots smoke on the horizon and points it out to Sarah. It’s where the warehouse should be. They keep driving towards it as we fade to credits.
Next up: 2.15 “Desert Cantos” Per TVGuide: Sarah probes the company town connected to the decimated factory with John, Cameron and Derek. Weaver seeks out a potential survivor.
Don’t forget to play in the forums, and “I’ll be back.”
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**It’s a bit like the plot in porn — you’re watching for other reasons, and this stuff’s just kinda there.**
Hee! I swear people are trying to make me choke to death at my computer this week. Granted, I souldn’t be eating at the computer anyways…
“Everything I do, I do for you.”
The Canadian in me immediately thought “Bryan Adams” :)
Cromartie freaks the f**k out of me anyways, but to see him playing with those toys? That is just wrong. *shudders*
You need to write for this show, Raven. Who do I call to make that happen?
If it makes you feel any better I’ve had the song stuck in my head since I wrote that part.
He’s, like, Damien or something, it’s so creepy – and I’m still trying to figure out what Catherine’s deal is.
**It’s a bit like the plot in porn – you’re watching for other reasons, and this stuff’s just kinda there.**
Hee! I swear people are trying to make me choke to death at my computer this week. Granted, I souldn't be eating at the computer anyways…
"Everything I do, I do for you.”
The Canadian in me immediately thought "Bryan Adams" :)
Cromartie freaks the f**k out of me anyways, but to see him playing with those toys? That is just wrong. *shudders*
You need to write for this show, Raven. Who do I call to make that happen?
If it makes you feel any better I've had the song stuck in my head since I wrote that part.
He's, like, Damien or something, it's so creepy – and I'm still trying to figure out what Catherine's deal is.