Sarah limp-marches “Meredith” to a motel room at gunpoint, nearly falling over herself trying to get the doc to sit in a chair. Kyle tells her to calm down and reassure the terrified woman. Instead she waves the gun around some more and hands the doctor the papers from her charts. With barely a glance, Meredith says Sarah needs a hospital, and seems to have forgotten that they probably just left one for a good reason. Predictably, Sarah tells her that hospitals aren’t so good for her right now. When asked if Sarah hurt someone, Sarah replies, ‘Not today, not yet.’Kyle’s a better man than me and refrains from rolling his eyes. The doc has pulled some items out of a stolen medical bag and she asks if she can examine the wound. Sarah stands, allowing Meredith to begin cutting away the bloody clothing and bandages. Sarah is still holding a gun in her face. Kyle crosses from his perch at the window, reminding Sarah that the doc wants to help; she became a doc for a reason. Reluctantly, she puts the gun down.
‘Who hurt you?’Meredith asks casually, and as she looks up for the answer, she sees some of Sarah’s scars and amends, ‘Today.’Sensing an unnecessary, yet important, B-plot, she says, ‘A man.’While the doc continues to work, Kyle walks over gently reaching out to brush Sarah’s hair and tank top out of the way, examining the scar from her fight with the T-1000. (Movie: T2)’God, Sarah, what did it do to you?’She describes the attack to Kyle as the doc listens, thinking that Sarah’s talking to her. The stabbing, the pain, all to get to their son. Meredith whispers, ‘This man? He’s in your life?’as tears roll down Kyle’s face. It takes Sarah a beat to realize the doc’s assumption of abuse, but when she does the truth-tinged lies fall rapidly and Sarah the Domestic Abuse Victim begins to take shape. The doc buys it wholesale and takes Sarah’s hand, asking her what her name is. With a quick check to Kyle, she says, ‘Sarah. My name is Sarah.’

CSI: Terminator?
And now we get to meet some more of the most 2-D enforcement agents this side of Dudley Do-Right and CSI: Miami. They’re searching Sarah’s car, the driver’s seat drenched in dried blood as they exposit that the gun’s untraceable, there was a ‘stand-up’firefight somewhere, and a nice digital recorder was found inside. The Sherriff seems inclined to believe that Sarah might be the victim and hasn’t done anything serious yet. Right on cue, the deputy’s cell rings with news of Deputy Ash’s near strangulation and Sarah’s abrupt departure. ‘Aw hell.’We jump to the hospital for the rest of the exposition so I can listen to people talk about what I just watched AGAIN. Blah, blah, Sarah’s a badass walking around with a bullet in her leg and taking out Deputy Ash, blah. At least Deputy Ash has the decency to arrive looking very guilty as he tells us that one Dr. Felicia Burnett failed to show for rounds. This has an obvious impact on our dear Sherriff so he spews some orders and David Caruso’s, ‘Our mystery woman’s got a problem, she’s gotta get that metal out.’
Back at Motel Hospital, Sarah’s spread out on the bed pre-surgery and Kyle’s keeping his normal watch at the window. Felicia’s washed her hands and is putting on gloves, feeling the need to tell Sarah that there are two things she needs to know. ‘One, this is going to hurt. Two…this is really going to hurt.’No, really, the writers wrote that. There’s some chit-chat about female pain thresholds and childbirth all so Felicia can about Sarah’s son. Kyle turns from watching the parking lot as Sarah describes John to him. After the semi-touching exchange, Felicia tells Sarah to brace herself and the cutting begins.
CPS must have arrived because John’s being allowed to visit Riley. She more or less apologizes for being a bother, John says his not-at-all’s, Cameron gets to be a little creepy, and Riley dismisses them both. And…scene.
Sarah’s coming to again at Motel Hospital, with Kyle standing near her. As she’s getting her bearings, Kyle starts woodenly repeating the message. You know the MESSAGE, the one he had to memorize in the future? Sarah tries to insist that she’s not strong, not like the message wants her to be, ‘I’m gonna die.”It won’t be the first time.’Sarah jumps awake with a, ‘Reese!’She grabs her gun and begins brandishing it wildly. Felicia tries to get her to calm down, asking her who Reese is. Sarah avoids the question and asks if the ‘surgery’was a success. Felicia tells Sarah that the bullet is still in her leg, but she gets points for herself for not calling the cops while Sarah was unconscious. Kyle, again, urges Sara to put the gun down.
The problem with the bullet is that it’s right near Sarah’s femoral artery. Knick it and Sarah’s dead in about four minutes. Felicia can’t remove the bullet without seeing it, end of story. And the only place that can happen is General Hospital. ‘I know what it is to be afraid.’Felicia admits, and the Sherriff’s earlier reaction to her disappearance begins to make a little more sense. Sarah doesn’t say anything, but allows Felicia to help her off the bed. The camera lingers on what has to be the third significant pool of Sarah’s blood I’ve been subjected to tonight. She has got to be running on fumes. If that artery gets nicked, Sarah’s gonna be gone in 60 seconds, not four minutes.
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**It’s a bit like the plot in porn — you’re watching for other reasons, and this stuff’s just kinda there.**
Hee! I swear people are trying to make me choke to death at my computer this week. Granted, I souldn’t be eating at the computer anyways…
“Everything I do, I do for you.”
The Canadian in me immediately thought “Bryan Adams” :)
Cromartie freaks the f**k out of me anyways, but to see him playing with those toys? That is just wrong. *shudders*
You need to write for this show, Raven. Who do I call to make that happen?
If it makes you feel any better I’ve had the song stuck in my head since I wrote that part.
He’s, like, Damien or something, it’s so creepy – and I’m still trying to figure out what Catherine’s deal is.
**It’s a bit like the plot in porn – you’re watching for other reasons, and this stuff’s just kinda there.**
Hee! I swear people are trying to make me choke to death at my computer this week. Granted, I souldn't be eating at the computer anyways…
"Everything I do, I do for you.”
The Canadian in me immediately thought "Bryan Adams" :)
Cromartie freaks the f**k out of me anyways, but to see him playing with those toys? That is just wrong. *shudders*
You need to write for this show, Raven. Who do I call to make that happen?
If it makes you feel any better I've had the song stuck in my head since I wrote that part.
He's, like, Damien or something, it's so creepy – and I'm still trying to figure out what Catherine's deal is.