Why Shazam Should Appear In The Second Season of Peacemaker

It’s safe to assume that another Shazam! sequel won’t be happening anytime soon. However, during the end credits of Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Emilia Harcourt, and John Economos make a surprise cameo and try to recruit Shazam. Though it seems like there are no future plans for Shazam coming to the big screen, it would be great if the DCEU hero joined the cast of the second season of Peacemaker. At the moment, there are no official details about the plot. But Shazam would make a fun counterbalance for the anti-hero.

Shazam may have been a flop in theaters, but the character is a fun one. Needless to say, he could easily be thrust into the comedy mold of the James Gunn series. There are plenty of avenues to add the DC hero into the oddball and violent world of Peacemaker. Even more, it could actually be a benefit for Shazam since it’ll allow audiences to connect with the character better. It also gives the writers a chance to showcase what makes him stand out in the crowded superhero genre.

It Gives The Writers A Chance To Prove That Shazam Is An Important Part Of The DC Universe

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In retrospect, the Shazam! films were fun diversions from the bleak and dark movies DCEU cranked out since The Dark Knight trilogy ended in 2012. Zachary Levi is perfect as the title character, and there’s a unique lore regarding Shazam’s mythology. However, the films never capitalized on the core strengths of Shazam that separate him from his superhero counterparts. Shazam! was quite generic as far as superhero stories are involved.

Fury of the Gods failed to add anything interesting to the superhero conversation by going with the “evil villains plotting to destroy the world” premise. Putting Shazam in Peacemaker allows the writers to expand on the character’s mythology. They could further play with his character within the confines of Peacemaker’s world. Obviously, this show isn’t about Shazam, so the focus would never be truly on his character. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be given his own arc that develops his character and advances the plot of the overall season.

The Contrast Between Shazam and Peacemaker Can Create A Compelling Season

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Peacemaker is an anti-hero. He has no problem killing people, and his moral core is more on the villainy side. Meanwhile, Shazam is more of a traditional superhero who values saving lives and is willing to risk himself for the greater humanity. This could be an excellent arc that could pit the heroes at odds based on what they stand for. The season doesn’t necessarily have to end up on a Shazam vs. Peacemaker note. But the story can add to the conversation about the morality of superheroes.

Seeing as Peacemaker is a killer and Shazam is not — there are plenty of directions the show can take. Shazam could be disgusted by Peacemaker’s actions and end up fighting him. Or, he could understand Peacemaker’s justification for murder and join him. In another scenario, he could end up fighting Waller, Peacemaker, and the entire Suicide Squad. DC hasn’t particularly done the hero vs. hero angle, so it would be a fresh narrative to explore.

Dark Shazam Could Be Another Viable Angle


Shazam is pretty much portrayed as a man-child throughout the films. As silly as the character can be, He’s a symbol of innocence and that can be used against him. In the Future State: Shazam #1 comics by Tim Sheridan and Eduardo Pansica, they cleverly find a way to turn the DC God into a villain by playing off the innocent and naive nature of Billy. The show could dig further into that.

The way Sheridan and Pansica use Shazam’s innocence is brilliant. Needless to say, Peacemaker is the perfect character to push him over the edge. However, it’s not just Peacemaker itself, but the overall corruption of Amanda Waller and The Suicide Squad. Waller is a villain through and through. Since the character will be given her own series, playing off the dynamic between these three can produce some groundbreaking content. Waller and Peacemaker are alike, though their upbringing and morality aren’t exactly the same.

Pushing Shazam past his innocence into a darker territory allows the expansion of the DCEU in general. Shazam will finally stand out in an overcrowded market (if done right), and since Gunn stated that everything from here on out would be connected, perhaps Shazam could be the next big bad for Superman or Batman. There are endless possibilities beyond helping the second season of Peacemaker.

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