Scooby Doo’s Velma is Getting an Animated Series

Scooby Doo’s Velma is Getting an Animated Series

For some people, it’s kind of hard to figure out how Velma got to be such a fan-favorite, but for others, the bespectacled member of the bunch has always been the one that’s the most capable and obviously the smartest in a lot of cases since she’s been seen to figure out the gist of the mystery a lot of times when the rest of the group has been off doing their own thing. It would appear that after so long of being the group’s think-tank, Velma is finally getting her own show which will likely feature younger versions of the rest of the group but will likely show how this character started out. It sounds as though Mindy Kaling will be taking on the role, which is great since her ability to produce deadpan humor is perfect for a character like this, and her voice is well-suited to Velma’s character, which is sarcastic quite often but can still be innocent and inquisitive at the same time, pretty much like Velma. What the character will be getting up to is hard to say but it does feel as though it might be the basis for the group getting together, which means it will likely serve as a great prequel series that will eventually lead into the original series at some point.

When one looks back at the cultural impact that Scooby-Doo has had on more than one generation it’s kind of funny to think that during the course of the show that Velma was often seen as less than appealing by a lot of people, but in fact was one of the most important members of the group. Seriously, she was one of the only ones to keep her head most times and deduce just what was going on since she often kept a level head and was the rational one among the bunch. But given the time period in which the show was created, she was also the bookish, nerdy type that was great to have around but wasn’t exactly looked at in the same manner that the others were. Fred was the heroic guy that a lot of people felt made him the leader of the group, which has kind of been turned on its head in recent times since Fred isn’t exactly a misfit, but he’s also not the same kind of guy that lot of us thought he was, since he’s kind of a jealous and insecure individual given that in recent cartoons he’s been trying to form a relationship with Daphne, but to no avail.

Daphne on the other hand has become less and more than she used to be. Let’s admit it, back in the day she was the pretty woman to look at and a part of the show’s appeal for younger males. Now isn’t really any different, but instead of just being eye candy, now she’s kind of a strong-willed and intelligent character. She was back in the day, but it’s become more of a prominent character trait at this time. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo aren’t really any different since they’re still both big cowards that love to eat all the time and will run at the first sign of trouble. But Velma has finally become the character that’s gaining more and more attention since people have started to notice her in a big way and those that have always noticed her have finally been vindicated for their faith after so long, even if it wasn’t really needed. Focusing this series on Velma is only right since the other characters have received a great deal of prominence over the years and we’ve seen what they have to offer. In all fairness, we’ve seen what Velma has to offer as well, but her efforts have usually been met with a lot of indifference since people just wanted to know who was behind the mask and what their deal was, and the rest of the explanation was kind of ignored by a lot of folks. In this case though, focusing on Velma will allow more people to really get to know the character as it’s bound to show how she came up and how she decided to become the super sleuth that she is.

Revering fictional characters has been a big thing for a long time so it’s not too hard to imagine that people have been holding onto a certain love for this character for a while. But it is easy to wonder how long some folks have been hoping for something like this to happen. That’s why it’s a big hope that the show goes off without a hitch and people are reminded why Velma is an important character since, to be honest, the group might not have gone anywhere without her a lot of times.

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