Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

Sara Haines recently shared her fangirl moment with Andrew McCarthy on an episode of The View, leaving fans both amused and sympathetic.

McCarthy appeared on the show to promote his new documentary, Brats, which delves into the famed Brat Pack’s influence and their timeless appeal. Reflecting on the group’s impact, McCarthy said, Making Brats was that rare opportunity to dive back into the frozen past and bring it up into the living present. The documentary is set to premiere on Hulu this Wednesday.

Sara, visibly excited, couldn’t contain her admiration for McCarthy. She exclaimed during the conversation, I remember someone here getting so mad about Dr. Fauci and I felt like it happened overnight, showcasing her intense enthusiasm and slight nervousness in front of him. It was clear she was a huge fan.

Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

Whoopi Goldberg’s priceless reaction

The conversation took an interesting turn when McCarthy made a comment about aging that led to a memorable reaction from Whoopi Goldberg. He mentioned turning 60, adding, when you get old, and 60 is the beginning of old, you start to—, which prompted Whoopi to pull a strained expression.

Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

Joy Behar quickly jumped in to defuse the tension by jestingly noting that a half century does it, too. The group laughed it off, allowing McCarthy to continue discussing his evolving relationship with his past.

Reigniting old connections

McCarthy shared more insights into the making of Brats: My relationship with my past started to change. I looked back with more affection… It’s probably the biggest professional blessing of my life… so I was interested in exploring that.

Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

The Brat Pack’s legacy

The documentary also reunites iconic members like Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, and Ally Sheedy. Revisiting their experiences showed how they have come closer over the years despite not being connected for three decades after the Brat Pack era.

Andrew further added: I think the warmest feeling I got from the whole thing was realizing how much affection we had for each other which wasn’t necessarily the case back then, you know? Because we were young, we were scared, we were competitive.

Sara Haines’s Adorable Fangirl Moment with Andrew McCarthy on The View

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