Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

Parker Finn, the director behind 2022’s breakout horror hit Smile, is teaming up with Robert Pattinson to give a fresh take to the 1981 cult classic Possession. Directed by Andrzej Żuławski, the original film has become notorious for its intense portrayal of a collapsing marriage intertwined with supernatural elements.

Finn and Pattinson Join Forces

The collaboration between Finn and Pattinson has generated considerable buzz, leading to a bidding war among prominent studios like A24, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, and Warner Bros. With Finn attached to write, direct, and produce under his Bad Feeling banner, and Pattinson onboard through his production company Icki Eneo Arlo, the project’s stakes are high.

Paving New Grounds in Horror

Set against the backdrop of West Berlin, the original Possession starred Sam Neill as a spy returning home to find his wife Anna, played by Isabelle Adjani, wanting a divorce. As their relationship spirals into chaos involving infidelity, neglect, and monstrous entities, Zulawski’s film blends psychological tension with supernatural horror.

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

A Remarkable Cast and Controversial Legacy

The performance of Isabelle Adjani in Possession earned her the Best Actress prize at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival. Lauded as [Possession features] what is arguably the bravest female performance ever put on film…a new level of cinematic expression., by Michał Oleszczyk from, Adjani’s role remains iconic.

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

Intense Production History

The film initially met with controversy upon its release. When it premiered at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival, it faced adverse reactions, even being labeled a video nasty in the UK.

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

A Shift in Horror Narrative

The new adaptation aims to retain the intensity and complex themes of its predecessor while integrating Finn’s signature style seen in Smile. Finn’s previous project was celebrated for its unexpected success, earning over $216 million worldwide. His involvement indicates that this remake will delve deeper into horror while offering an elevated narrative experience.

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

Looking Ahead

Pattinson, still best known for his role in The Batman, is looking forward to reuniting with audiences through other notable projects like Bong Joon Ho’s upcoming film Mickey 17.

Robert Pattinson Teams Up with Smile Director for Possession Remake

A New Chapter for Finn

Finn’s upcoming projects demonstrate his willingness to expand beyond conventional horror. As he completes post-production on Smile 2, it becomes evident that his career trajectory is one to watch.

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