Remember BatDad? He has a Lockdown Quarantine Compilation

Remember BatDad?  He has a Lockdown Quarantine Compilation

It’s hard to know whether to take BatDad with a massive grain of salt or just laugh and hope that it’s all planned out ahead of time, because otherwise his son is a little terror that might benefit from a serious dose of discipline and the dad, well, the dad might need to remind himself from time to time that he’s not helping anyone by donning the mask in an effort to be humorous. But then again that’s the tight and humorless version, whereas a lot of people would look at this and at least try to laugh since it’s very true that being stuck in the house is a little boring at times when you want to go out and do something but can’t because of quarantine procedures that are still in place. Still, living in a house such as the one that’s been shown in the video it’s hard to think that boredom would be such a massive issue largely because there’s plenty of space to roam, the kids obviously have their own electronics, and there’s really nothing else that can be said other than that they’re more than a little spoiled and, well, kind of obnoxious. How many parents wanted to yank the iPad away from Ben when he started acting up? Despite losing part of his fan base when his initial platform went down, BatDad is still able to use Instagram and entertain his followers, which in a way appear to be just as clueless as any that follow the Kardashians at times. Allison Cacich of Distractify has more to say about this matter.

What’s true about BatDad is that a person really does need to have a strange and very transcendent sense of humor to understand and get along with everything that goes on in the videos since otherwise the kids tend to come off as brats at times and BatDad becomes something of a controversial parent for allowing it to happen. To some folks the backtalk, the sass, and the fact that the videos make it appear that the kids run the house at times isn’t bound to sit well with some folks since old-fashioned ways of parenting would dictate that Ben alone might spend a lot of time in trouble for the things he says and does. The mere fact that he lives in a huge home with plenty to do and can still say that he’s bored is evidence enough of a privileged life in which he doesn’t have much responsibility or ownership of the things he does. One might want to blame the idea of his father making his living being an online personality and not showing his kid much more than that he does online, but that doesn’t sound like a complete explanation or even a good excuse. Plus, the hope is that everything is scripted and laid out beforehand to make it appear a bit funnier and definitely shock the hell out of people given that a lot of kids shown disrespecting their parents in this manner might find that they’ll have lost more than a little respect, but would also lose certain privileges as well.

Of course many have risen to defend his methods and his parenting even as some have questioned just what in the world he’s doing. From a fair and unbiased standpoint his kids are kept fed, housed, clothed, and educated obviously and while they might appear a bit unruly at times it does appear that when the camera’s off the fun and games might stop for a bit and life might get down to the level it needs to be in order to keep an equilibrium that many people know little to nothing about, at least as it pertains to this family. Given that they’ve become so famous online it’s just more proof that people need something else in their lives to focus on that entertains and keeps them busy from thinking about their own life for one reason or another, which is saddening to some since it means that people don’t put enough value on their own time and need to fill it by watching others. However a person looks at things the truth is that BatDad has risen to prominence throughout his many funny videos and interactions with his family, though he and his wife did separate at one point for reasons that may or may not have something to do with his current and ongoing gimmick. Apparently the two remain friends at this point but it was established that they are no longer together. Likely as not there’s been a great deal of commentary on this since people became used to seeing the entire family online occasionally and obviously wondered where she’d gone. For some people it’s a funny idea that took off, but for others it’s just an oddity they happen to notice from time to time.

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