Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune Departure

After an illustrious 41-year run on Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak is set to turn a new chapter in his career. The beloved host will soon demonstrate his acting talents in a fresh rendition of Prescription: Murder. According to Variety, Sajak will star alongside Joe Moore in this anticipated production, which is scheduled to play from July 31 to August 10, 2025, at Honolulu’s Hawaii Theatre.

Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune Departure

From TV Legend to Stage Actor

The play was originally penned by William Link and Richard Levinson in 1962 and later served as the foundational episode for the hit TV series Columbo. In this stage adaptation, Sajak takes on the role of brilliant psychiatrist Roy Flemming, who plans the perfect alibi to murder his wife. Meanwhile, Joe Moore portrays Lt. Columbo, the perceptive detective skilled in a cat and mouse game with Flemming.

Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune Departure

Ninth Time Sharing the Stage

This production signifies the ninth collaboration between Sajak and Moore on stage. Directed by Rob Duval, it will feature other talents like Bryce Moore, Therese Olival, Amy K. Sullivan, and Aiko Chinen. Notably, this show is a fundraiser for the non-profit Hawaii Theatre.

A Farewell to Iconic Game Show Hosting

Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune DepartureIn June 2023, Pat Sajak announced he would retire after the next season of Wheel of Fortune, ending his remarkable journey with the show since its nighttime debut in 1983. His final episode was recorded in April 2024 and is set to air on June 7.

Ryan Seacrest Takes Over

Soon after Sajak’s retirement announcement, Ryan Seacrest was confirmed as his replacement. During a September 2023 interview with ET, Seacrest expressed his excitement about joining the famed show saying, I can say, along with the rest of America, that it’s been a privilege and pure joy to watch Pat and Vanna on our television screens for an unprecedented 40 years, making us smile every night and feel right at home with them.

Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune Departure

Seacrest added: I can say, along with the rest of America, that it’s been a privilege and pure joy to watch Pat and Vanna on our television screens for an unprecedented 40 years, making us smile every night and feel right at home with them.

Vanna White Continues Her Legacy

Pat Sajak to Debut on Stage in Prescription Murder After Wheel of Fortune DepartureAlthough Vanna White has been a key figure alongside Pat for many years turning letters on the puzzle board, she recently signed a deal to remain part of the show after seeking negotiations for a significant raise. Reflecting on their collaboration, White mentioned how difficult it is to imagine a world without both her and Pat hosting the series.

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