Modern Family 2.19 “The Musical Man” Review
It has been a couple weeks since the hilarious “Boys’ Night,” so catch up with my review As I was watching this week’s episode of Mode
It has been a couple weeks since the hilarious “Boys’ Night,” so catch up with my review As I was watching this week’s episode of Mode
I have a really good feeling about the April 28 new episode of Modern Family. It hails the return of funnyman Fred Willard as Phil’s father and it appea
I usually like Athena documentaries. Discovering Hamlet was a brilliant documentary that really gave me an insight into how stage productions work. All of Bil
Can we all take a moment to soak in how awesome ‘The Dead Pool’was? After a streak of just okay episodes, we were finally treated with something t
It’s been a while since we last saw Chuck, so catch up with my most recent recap here. Ellie talks with her mother, Mary, and after assuring her that ta
Around this time ten years ago, I was a high school senior surrounded by talks of prom, college admissions, graduation, and gossip concerning the latest obstr
First off, I apologize for the delay with this one. I don’t know if there are folks who read my reviews regularly, but sorry. It won’t happen agai
It’s been a long time TVD fans but we’re back and with the bang of a 100 dead witches. This show really does not have a cruise control pace and th
If you missed last week’s episode, catch up with my recap here. The episode begins on Night 18 at Zapatera. Mike says Sarita took he ouster like a champ