Is The New Show “Marlon” Going To Make It?

Is The New Show “Marlon” Going To Make It?

Marlon Wayans has a new show out. The pilot was launched on August 8, 2017. The new series “Marlon” is a creation of Wayans, who rites and produces much of his own material. He has a talent and flair for it so he uses it to his advantage. Instead of auditioning and waiting to be called for an acting job, he creates his own. He’s an actor who is only out of work when he wants to be, but will the new show “Marlon” make it? We think that it will and here are the reasons why.

People can relate to the content

This time around at age 45, Wayans patterned the show after his own life and he estimates that it is “Eighty seven percent” accurate in comparison. It will be up to viewers to decide which part is based on the actor’s story and which parts are fillers, but this is half of the fun. Wayans is a father and he created a show that would allow him to just be himself. The approach that he has taken in the writing of the show is to present a dad and a family who are different that what we usually see in mainstream television. In his personal life, he has children aged 15 and 17, and they understand that they are the inspiration for the characters. This gives him a little bit of leverage with controlling their behaviors because Wayans warned the kids that anything “stupid” they do will probably end up in the show.

Wayans is versatile

He has already starred in a romantic comedy and was successful. Is he funny? Oh yes, Marlon Wayans will always be a great comedian, but there is much more to him than the ability to deliver humor. He is quite capable of showing his serious side. Isn’t that a big part of being a parent? It’s in having balance, patience and consistency. In addition to his multiple talents, Marlon is also a workhorse. He enjoys staying busy seven days a week because he shared that it helps to “keep him sane.”

Other irons in the fire

Wayans has a potential success in his new show, “Marlon” and the odds are in his favor simply because he writes content that people like, and he delivers high in his performances. There’s a high likelihood that viewers will be able to relate to the characters and if that is what happens, there is no way that he can lose with his new venture. In the meanwhile, He’s already thinking about a new movie project. It has also been rumored that he auditioned for the role of Richard Prior in an upcoming project. We haven’t heard any word about the status about casting yet, nor do we know what kind of movie Marlon is planning to write, but it gives us a heads up that we’re going to be hearing more from him soon. If you’re worried about him taking on too much at once, there is no reason. Marlon Wayans has been working hard the majority of his life and he knows how much he can handle.

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