Category: Movies

Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.

Was A Scream Sequel Ever Necessary?

The world of Scream has an interesting history. The franchise surprisingly took off in 1996, expertly being a satirical, whodunit slasher film that has remain

Movie Review: Livid

Going over the top with a vampire movie has become the norm in a lot of ways since the desire to do something that people haven’t seen has become a popu

Cult Movie Review: Heavy Metal (1981)

Is Heavy Metal the greatest animated cult movie of all time? It would be hard to argue with that on multiple fronts. In the 41 years since its release, this 9

The Black Adam Trailer Looks Awesome

Black Adam was looking impressive enough before the full trailer hit, but now he’s looking even better, and thankfully it would appear that it won’

Why Cable Deserves A Spin-Off

The world of Deadpool is currently up in the air. It’s been confirmed that there will be a Deadpool 3; however, there’s no confirmation on who wil

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