We Could All Use an Alien Themed Xenomorph Pez Dispenser
I’ve always been pretty impressed with my four-year-old son’s Pez dispenser collection. It features virtually all of the Disney characters and s
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
I’ve always been pretty impressed with my four-year-old son’s Pez dispenser collection. It features virtually all of the Disney characters and s
The world of Disney movies is a world full of fantasy. And because movies are set in a fantasy world, real life isn’t explored as accurately as one wo
Yesterday I brought you a video that highlighted the day in the life of parents as described by Chris Farley movie scenes. Today we’ve got the same kind
Today marks the 18th anniversary of the death of Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick died at the age of 70 in 1999 after having directed less than 20 films in his en
Jim Kay, the artist behind the upcoming Illustrated Edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, had his own vision of what Severus Snape would look l
The release of Power Rangers is less than 3 weeks away and the marketing campaign is starteing to step up its efforts. Yesterday Lionsgate released a new cl
I tried to stay silent yesterday when I read about an Overboard reboot but I cannot stand by and watch this happen. It’s like every shred of my youth
ADR or Automated dialogue replacement is just another word for dubbing. Often times in movie action sequences or other “physical” scenes an actor
The movie doesn’t come out for another 10 days but Beauty and the Beast is already doing something unprecedented in its presales. According to Fandang
One of the most underrated cheesy 80s movies involving Sylvester Stallone (other than Cobra) has got to be Over The Top. Look, any movie featuring an incr