The Five Funniest Department Store Scenes in Movies
Department store scenes in movies are bound to be either funny or dramatic, there’s usually no other way to go. Well there is violent and weird but thos
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
Department store scenes in movies are bound to be either funny or dramatic, there’s usually no other way to go. Well there is violent and weird but thos
Fishing has long been a popular pastime, but Hollywood has a knack for twisting the truth when it comes to depicting this beloved hobby on the big screen. Fro Listening to Christian Bale talk about his role in American Psycho allows it to make a lot more sense now than it
I so badly wanted to defend IT from the Honest Trailer treatment, but I decided to go with it. After all it makes some pretty good and honest points, no pun i
A look behind the scenes for A Wrinkle in Time shows that it took a lot of people and a lot of effort to make this classic finally come to life. There are a l
Biker gangs in movies tend to get a bad rep since they’re usually very violent and have few if any redeeming qualities. But the upside is that they tend
Recently, the Saudi Arabian government lifted its ban on public cinemas, which was put into place for the purpose of pleasing the more conservative segments o
If you’re going to watch a movie that takes place in Wyoming chances are you’re going to watch a western or something close to a western since Wyo
Doc Hollywood is the story of a young and promising doctor that’s bound for Beverly Hills where he plans to make a good living, perhaps a superior livin
There are five reasons why you should be excited to watch Flower starring Zoey Deutch, and while your five reasons might be different from mine this is what I