Movie Scenes Articulate What Teachers Say in Their Heads

Yesterday I brought you a video that highlighted the day in the life of parents as described by Chris Farley movie scenes. Today we’ve got the same kind of video only it’s for teachers.   I am personally not a teacher but I can remember going to school as a young lad.  Looking back on my elementary school days I can only imagine what my teachers must have been thinking at various points in the day and during particular moments where they wanted to rip their own heads off.

As an adult I can now understand why teachers have summers off and why many are crazier than you might think outside of the classroom.  I should know.  The entire in-law half of my family is comprised of educational leaders and the stories they’ve told me would put most people in the psyche ward of most hospitals.  For all you teachers out there, here’s a fun video of the things that teachers say in their head as described by movie scenes.

Enjoy the clip below:

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