Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

The folk horror genre is set to gain a new gem with Starve Acre, directed by the talented Daniel Kokotajlo, known for his work on Apostasy. The movie, adapted from Andrew Michael Hurley’s novel, stars Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark as a couple grappling with a devastating loss.

Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

A Heart-Wrenching Plot Coupled with Supernatural Elements

The film follows the story of Richard and Juliette Willoughby, whose son Ewan dies unexpectedly at five years old. Their home, Starve Acre, was meant to be filled with laughter but becomes a place of grief and supernatural occurrences instead. As they confront their loss, Juliette turns to a group of occultists called the Beacons, believing that Ewan’s spirit still lingers in their house. Meanwhile, Richard obsessively digs up a barren field, hoping to find a legendary oak tree.

Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

Award-Winning Direction Adds Depth

Award-winning director Daniel Kokotajlo‘s knack for capturing eerie atmospheres shines in this film. His previous work on Apostasy established him as a force in the industry. The trailer gives us a hint at the dark tone of the folk horror directed by Apostasy’s Daniel Kokotajlo,” providing early glimpses into the movie’s chilling narrative.

Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

Praise for Smith and Clark’s Performances

The lead performances by Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark have garnered early acclaim. According to critic Peter Bradshaw,Smith and Clark, at the head of a very capable supporting cast, keep the movie on an even dramatic keel, with intelligent, thought-through performances.

Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

Captivating Soundtrack and Cinematography Enhance the Experience

The soundtrack of Starve Acre, coupled with its evocative cinematography, contributes significantly to its sense of dread. As one section notes, it featuresa clamorous musical score, there are eerie closeups on the occult undergrowth and the assumed force that through the green fuse drives the flower of darkness.

Matt Smith and Morfydd Clark in Daniel Kokotajlo’s Folk Horror Film Starve Acre

Concluding Thoughts on the Latest Folk Horror Entry

Starve Acre promises a unique blend of psychological depth and supernatural horror. With Daniel Kokotajlo’s skilled direction and compelling performances by Smith and Clark, this film is poised to leave a lasting impression on audiences. Whether you’re a fan of folk horror or just looking for your next gripping watch,Starve Acre should find its way onto your list.

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