credit: The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes is a graphic horror film that was released in 2006. This 2006 movie was the third movie in The Hills Have Eyes franchise. The franchise all together had four movie installments, the first installment being titled completely the same as the third one. The second installment, The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1985) was remade in 2007 as The Hills Have Eyes 2, with the number now on base-10 numerals. This third installment was a remake of the first installment which came out in 1977.
The movie followed the adventures of a family as they went on to travel from Cleveland, Ohio to San Diego, California. On their way, they made a stopover at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. The station was attended to by an elderly man who advised them to go to an alternate path that would cut their travel time significantly. However, things went wrong when they followed the new path as their cars were popped by spikes, which made them vulnerable to attacks from the mutants living around the area.
The movie was downgraded from NC-17 to rated R. However, despite being restricted due to its graphic scenes, we can still learn a thing or two from this movie.

credit: The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
1. The consequences of nuclear events can be devastating to the human biology
In the movie, Bob, the father, went back to the gas station, where he discovered from old newspapers the stories of a certain mining town where the US government once conducted tests of nuclear weapons. It could easily be implied that the mutants were a result of some sort of mutation caused by the radiation brought upon by the nuclear weapons.
It was also clear at one point that the nuclear weapons were dropped near one another, as the craters were too close to each other and were enormous in size.
The movie also showed the effects of nuclear weapons on the livelihood of people. The people of the mining town were just living their ordinary lives when suddenly, they were nuked with or without warning. The effect would be devastating, not only to the health of those affected but also to their social beings. The site where the mining town once stood was shunned from the rest of the world with a fence, even with the weird man from the gas station even exhibiting signs of wanting to pillage the residents of the fenced-off area. The old mining town is now quarantined, closed off to the rest of the world, because of something they were not able to control. It was not even their fault too. They were as innocent as all victims of war are.
That part went to show that humans could be severely altered by nuclear radiation, as they were shown with severe defects and modifications in their physical stature. And also, to some extent, their attitudes, as they had become hostile to humans after being abused atomically by their kind. However, despite this, kind humans remain, even though irradiated. This was shown when Ruby protected the “normal” human Bobby from being attacked by his fellow mutants.

credit: The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
2. Plan your trip and stick with that plan unless of force majeure
The traveling family followed the advice of a weird guy they just met in a gas station, not the type of guy you would ask for bits of advice from. However, even though he seemed to be not a suspicious man, you should not take bits of advice from random people in the middle of nowhere.
The whole disaster could have been prevented if the family just planned the entire trip ahead of them. They should have researched what the way would look like, including the desert that they would be traversing. Moreover, if they had planned it thoroughly, they should not have been enticed by the idea of shorter travel time without planning the new route they would be taking.
The only acceptable reasons for going out of plan would be reasons out of one’s control. Is the road closed? Then, we could not force it to open. We have to find another way. Is the road flooded, and it would put the car in danger? Then we should not brave the flood!
The family had absolutely no reason to change course aside from being allured by the idea of being able to slash their travel time.nuclear
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