Luke Kleintank Exits FBI International to Focus on Family After Three Seasons

The Departure of a Key Cast Member

In a significant development for FBI: International, Luke Kleintank, who has deeply influenced the show’s dynamics playing Supervisory Special Agent Scott Forrester, is set to leave after participating from the series inception in 2021. His farewell episode is scheduled for May 7, marking the conclusion of his stint in the third season.

Luke Kleintank Exits FBI International to Focus on Family After Three Seasons

Family Comes First for Kleintank

After much thought and consideration, I’ve made the difficult decision to leave FBI International, shared Luke in a heartfelt statement. This decision is driven by my unwavering commitment to my family, whose love and well-being are paramount in my life. Expanding on his feelings, Luke shared his gratitude towards the series’ cast and crew, describing them as not only colleagues but a family away from home. Each moment on the set has evidently been gratifying and memorable.

Luke Kleintank Exits FBI International to Focus on Family After Three Seasons

Thanking Fellow Cast Members and Fans

Love The Cast Of FBI International! Sorry to leave early Love them all. Great people, expressed Luke, highlighting his affection and respect towards his colleagues. He also mentioned, If you’re smart, every show should be your last show because we don’t know when we are going to exit stage left., suggesting a philosophical acceptance of change.

Luke Kleintank was thrilled at the prospect of taking on new challenges, upheld the sentiment that exiting the series will open avenues for him to explore opportunities that excite him further.

The exact effects of Luke’s departure on FBI: International‘s future remain an anticipation among viewers and insiders alike. The next steps for the narrative and replacement casting will undoubtedly be watched closely.

Luke Kleintank Exits FBI International to Focus on Family After Three Seasons

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