Kimberly Guilfoyle: Get To Know and Get Used To this Name

We might as well just call it a day and move the Fox news harassment scandals right on up to the White House because if the name Kimberly Guilfoyle isn’t any indication that the White House is preparing to transfer beautiful women from Fox to its staff then I don’t know what is.   As many of you know Sean Spicer’s been in extremely hot water recently over his handling of all the James Comey firing coverage.   Many have said that Spicer is going to be replaced and that the White House is going to have a “significant” staff shake up.  So what’s the first news on a Spicer replacement?

President Donald Trump is reportedly considering a major shake-up in his communications department, and a Bay Area native may be part of his plans. Following the media firestorm over the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey, the New York Times reported that Trump “blamed the bipartisan condemnation of his action on the failures of his embattled and overworked communications team.” The report furthers that Trump is “openly musing about replacing” press secretary Sean Spicer, and “has raised the Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle to allies as a possible press secretary.” Guilfoyle is currently a co-host of Fox News’ “The Five,” which was recently moved to the network’s primetime lineup after Bill O’Reilly was taken off the air.

Can we just pause for a moment and state the obvious here?  Guilfoyle is attractive.  She possesses all of the materialistic qualities a Fox executive would want in an employee to sexual harass.  Why should it be any different in the White House?  Could Donald Trump be any more transparent?  And by the way this is not a knock on Guilfoyle at all.  This is merely an observation by a someone who noticed our President meeting with the Russian ambassador a day after firing the man who is investigating him for having ties to Russia.   Good God, where are we?

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