10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kaz Crossley

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kaz Crossley

When you decide to put your life on television, you might want to think about precisely what that means. For example, if you are a person whose life is not lived in the public eye because you are not a reality show contestant or another type of famous person, what you’re doing in public, at home, and anywhere else really isn’t a big deal. Even if it’s a big deal, no one cares to film you, share it, or bother with you because they don’t know you, so they don’t care. “Love Island,” star Kazimir Crossley, however, is a reality star, so when she’s doing something in public, people are paying attention. She was recently videoed snorting what appears to be a white substance, and someone shared that video online. She’s now in the press for all the wrong reasons and it would have been wise for her to remember she’s famous, and behaving appropriately would be wise. Of course, those who film others without their consent shouldn’t feel good about themselves, either – stay in your own lane. Here’s everything you need to know about reality star Kaz Crossley.

1. She’s a 90s Kid

She is still in her 20s, but she’s not too young. Crossley was born on January 19, 1994. She is old enough to know better than to do what she did, and she’s old enough to know that there are always people watching when you’re a famous face.

2. She’s English

Kaz was born and raised in London, England. She spent her childhood there, she spent her high school days there, and she decided to pursue her dreams of finding love on national television there, for whatever reason.

3. This Video is Not New

From what we can gather, the video that is being shared on the internet is of her snorting a white substance that is on a countertop arranged in lines, and the video is not a new one. Apparently, it was from her trip to Dubai in 2020. It’s a good reminder that once you film something or share something using technology, it is never really gone.

4. People Say She’s Not Clean

She works very hard to maintain a good, clean image for her fans, but there are people coming forward left and right at the moment saying that her image is not a true and accurate portrayal of who she is as a person. They’re saying she runs with a party crowd – and they’re talking the partying hard kind of crowd.

5. She is Grateful

Aside from the video of her allegedly snorting drugs in Dubai surfacing this week, it seems she’s a woman who is traditionally grateful for her own life. She’s made it big since her first appearance in the public eye in 2018, and she’s been able to purchase two properties and maintain two homes as a result. She is grateful for those opportunities, and she makes sure she shares that with the world.

6. She’s a Makeup Artist

Her other claim to fame aside from reality television is the fact that she is a makeup artist. From what we gather, she’s a good one, too. She’s worked with some of the most famous people in the world, including the likes of Zayn Malik from One Direction. She must be good at her craft.

7. She Has a Huge Following

She has well over a million followers on Instagram, which means she is living life large. She has enough followers that she can charge a premium for her sponsored posts and collaborations, and she is likely making millions every year from social media alone.

8. She is into Fitness

She’s a woman who is very much into fitness. She makes time to work out regularly as well as care for her body through her diet. This is another reason this video of her is so shocking to her fans. The idea she might be doing hardcore drugs is abhorrent considering how hard she works to maintain her figure and her good health.

9. She’s Close to Her Mom

She and her mom are very close. She does a lot for and with her mom, and we get the distinct impression that her mother is the most important person in the world to her. She is close to her, she loves her, and she is happy to do everything she can for her.

10. She’s Typically Very Private

She uses social media for her work and her income, but she’s not one who typically shares a lot of super personal information about herself. The fact that someone released this video of her is out of character for her, and she’s yet to make a comment.

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