Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau does something, anything, the world takes notice.  That’s what tends to happen when you’re not only one of the most beloved politicians in the world but also one of the best looking.   Trudeau’s not only handsome but the guy just seems incredibly cool.   When you wear Star Wars socks to meetings and challenge Matthew Perry to a fight on Twitter it’s safe to say you’re nothing short of awesome.

And now that it’s prom season Trudeau has managed to make himself the center of attention for a lucky group of prom goers.  The photo you see above captures Trudeau in a moment of jogging and waving to these crazy kids on their way to prom.

Redditors took notice of Trudeau’s impromptu visit and did what Reddit does best: turned the photos into the Photoshop battle we’ve all been waiting for.

Check out some of the best results below.

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

Justin Trudeau Waving to Prom Goers Gets the Appropriate Photoshop Treatment

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