Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Gunner Rushed to Hospital Amid Family Trip Scare

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s 13-month-old son, Gunner, recently experienced a terrifying health scare during a family trip.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Gunner Rushed to Hospital Amid Family Trip Scare

Emergency Situations During Family Trips

In a recent YouTube post on June 14, Joy-Anna shared how she was left feeling “pretty shook up for a while” after Gunner needed to be rushed to the hospital while they were at a youth camp. She recounted feeding him a piece of ham like Thanksgiving ham, resulting in Gunner choking.

Austin’s EMT Skills Come In Handy

The mom of three explained through tears how she tried to help her son expel the food, which led to her handing him over to her husband, as Austin is an EMT. I started crying ’cause I’m just like Lord, please protect him, like all of those what-ifs come to your mind right away, Joy-Anna admitted.

Joy-Anna Duggar’s Son Gunner Rushed to Hospital Amid Family Trip Scare

The Drive to the Hospital

Despite vomiting several times, Gunner had not expelled the piece of ham and was having difficulty breathing. Joy-Anna shared: He managed a few shallow breaths but was still struggling and becoming very lethargic. This prompted them to drive to the hospital immediately.

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another

Their ordeal did not end there. On the way, there were moments when Gunner stopped breathing again, making them fear the worst. Joy-Anna cried out in desperation: Please save him. I’ve never been to a point where I thought I was going to lose one of my kids.

Hospital Relief

Once they reached the hospital and Gunner fell asleep, he began breathing more easily. An X-ray confirmed that whatever had been stuck in his throat was no longer causing issues. Reflecting on this harrowing experience, Joy-Anna said: I was just so thankful that God protected him and we made it to the hospital.

Milestones and Moving Forward

This frightening episode happened just a month after Gunner’s first birthday—a milestone Joy-Anna had celebrated with heartfelt photos on Instagram. She captioned these moments: Soaking up these days…Gunner had a great first birthday filled with LOTS of kisses.

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