Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

Joy-Anna Duggar recently opened up about a harrowing experience involving her 13-month-old son Gunner. The incident occurred while she was feeding him some ham.

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

Frightening Moments Unfold

In a video post shared on YouTube, Joy-Anna, 26, and husband Austin Forsyth, 30, recounted how Gunner bit off more than he could chew and began to choke.

Joy-Anna described the terrifying moments openly, stating, I started crying ’cause I’m just like Lord, please protect him, like all of those what-ifs come to your mind right away. Her attempts to make Gunner cough up the ham were unsuccessful.

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

Austin Forsyth, who is trained as an EMT, took over but couldn’t dislodge the food either. Joy-Anna shared, I froze up and I’m just like, this is why call 911.

Rushing to the Hospital

The couple decided to rush Gunner to the hospital as his breathing became shallow and he grew lethargic. Joy-Anna recalled her chilling fear: I was just crying out to God like, please save him, and I’ve never been to a point where I thought I was going to lose one of my kids.

Their hour-long drive felt endless as she continued to pray for her son’s safety. She recounted turning to prayer during their commute: I was asking God, ‘Please, please save him, please save him.’

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

Gunner’s Condition Stabilizes

Fortunately, by the time they arrived at the hospital, Gunner’s condition had stabilized. He had fallen asleep and his breathing normalized.

He started breathing a lot better, Joy-Anna shared with relief in her voice. Subsequent X-rays confirmed that Gunner’s airway was clear.Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

The ordeal left the family shaken but deeply grateful. I was just so thankful that God protected him, Joy-Anna said.

A Vital Reminder for Parents

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s Harrowing Hospital Dash for Their Son

This incident highlights the importance of knowing how to handle choking emergencies. Choking can occur when an airway is blocked by food or small objects. Proper first aid can save lives and it’s crucial for parents to stay calm and act swiftly in such situations.

The Forsyth’s YouTube Channel

Joy-Anna and Austin share many aspects of their lives on their YouTube channel Follow the Forsyths, which boasts over 218,000 subscribers. Here they provide fans with insights into their family life and personal experiences.

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