10 Things You Didn’t Know about John Francis Daley

10 Things You Didn’t Know about John Francis Daley

If you’ve been a TV fan for a while, then you may feel like you’ve watched John Francis grow up. He was just a teenager when he started his career and he’s one of the few who was able to smoothly transition into a career as an adult. Over the years, John has shown the world just how versatile he is. Although he is best known for his more comedic roles, John is someone who can truly do a little bit of everything. He is most famous for his role in the popular TV series Bones, but he’s also shared his talents on the big screen. Not only does John already have an impressive career behind him, but we’ll likely see a lot more great things from him in the future. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about John Francis Daley.

1. His Dad Is An Actor

John isn’t the only person in his family who was drawn to the performing arts. His father, R.F. Daley, is also a professional actor. He has had a very successful theater career and he’s also appeared in several popular TV shows including Dexter and The Office. He was even in an episode of Bones. John’s mother is a musician.

2. He’s Originally From Chicago

Although John was primarily raised in Nyack, NY, he is was born in Chicago and lived in Illinois for the first few years of his life. He was born into a close-knit family and his mother is Jewish and his father is Catholic. His family has a long history in the Chicago area and he has a cousin who was once the mayor of the city.

3. He Has Behind The Scenes Experience

Most people know John from the work he’s done in front of the camera, but many don’t realize that he’s also accomplished a lot behind the scenes as a writer, director, and producer. In fact, being behind the camera is something that has always appealed to him. He told The Cine Journal, “I had always been interested in screenwriting, ever since I could write things down as a child. Obviously, I started as an actor, professionally, but screenwriting was always something that I had great interest in.”

4. He’s In A Band

John’s contributions to the TV and film industries aren’t the only thing he’s done. He’s actually an all-around entertainer. He sings and plays the piano and is a member of a band called Dayplayer. Although they have released several songs it doesn’t appear that they’ve put out an entire album.

5. He’s Not Really Into Social Media

John has built a pretty large fan base over the year, and there are people all over the world who would probably love to follow him on social media. Sadly for them, John isn’t really into social media. Twitter seems to be the only platform where he has an account and he isn’t very active.

6. He Felt Like He Lost A Part Of Himself When His Time On Bones Ended

When an actor plays a role for a long time, the character becomes a major part of their identity. This is something that John experienced thanks to his time on Bones. He admits that when his character was killed off, it was a tough pill to swallow. During an interview with TV Line, John said, “I had a strong bond with Sweets. I really did feel like I was losing a part of me. I had so much compassion for him. He was such a good person… He had gone through so much, and to see him die in such a grim way was shocking.”

7. He’s A Husband And Father

John has spent a lot of time building up his career, but he has also taken the time to build his personal life as well. He has been married to screenwriter Corinne Kingsbury since 2016 and they have one child together. Corinne has worked on shows like In the Dark and The Newsroom.

8. He Has A YouTube Channel

One of the best (and worst) things about the internet is that anything you post is essentially there forever. With that being said, John’s YouTube channel has essentially become a time capsule. Even though it’s been nearly a decade since he’s uploaded any new videos, it appears that people are still watching his old content.

9. He Likes His Privacy

The longer people spend in the entertainment industry the harder it can be for them to maintain a strong sense of privacy. John, however, has managed to do exactly that. He has never been one to share his personal business with the world, and by the looks of things staying low-key has worked out very nicely for him.

10. He’s Not Afraid To Get Political

John may not spend a lot of time on social media, but when he does get on there he isn’t afraid to let the world know what he thinks. He has been vocal on Twitter about where he stands politically and he made it very clear that he was not in favor of former president Trump.

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