Jane the Virgin Season 2 Episode 5 Review: “Chapter Twenty-Seven”

Jane the Virgin Season 2

This week’s Jane the Virgin had the best of the fun and wacky mixed in with an important  lesson about what a mother has to do to protect her child. There was passion, drama, and Britney Spears!

Guest starring as herself this week, Britney Spears evidently has a history with Rogelio. Rogelio recounts how close he and Britney once were (pretty sure he’s exaggerating, but any contact with Britney is brag-worthy). That friendship ended when Britney seemingly caused teleprompter mishap while presenting with Rogelio at an awards show. Rogelio goes off on Britney Spears and her entourage. She handles it very professionally, but since he will not relent, Britney serves Rogelio with a restraining order. After a tedious Twitter feud Jane decides to speak to Britney on her father’s behalf, and she finally gets the whole story. As it happens, Rogelio and Britney really were quite close once, but Britney was hurt when Rogelio exploited their connection to help his rising fame. A few apologies and some key classic Britney lyrics later, the new dynamic duo are reunited.

Alba is finally taking the steps to become a U.S. citizen. She refuses to spend the rest of her life in fear. The only hitch is that Xiomara’s past could hurt Alba’s chances. Evidently Xiomara was once convicted of felony larceny when she took the fall for her boyfriend’s stealing. She thought the community service she got would be the only consequence, but now her actions have put her application to be Alba’s sponsor for citizenship in jeopardy. So Jane and Xiomara track down Xo’s ex to get him to testify that he was the one who did the stealing, only he’s not inclined to help. He does, however, give Jane a sample of his medical marijuana laced candy bar, which Alba and Xiomara proceed to eat before an important immigration meeting. This results in a startling display of the Villanueva women high as kites, but at least they use this momentum to get Xo’s ex to help them out.

I need to take a moment here to point out the importance of this storyline. Most immigrants come to this country to start new lives a world away from usually unsafe situations. All they want is to be with their families. If we want to keep families together, I agree with the tagline: #Vote #Vote #Vote

Petra is petrified after Milos’s recent request of marriage, but even more terrified of everything Milos is holding over her. She agrees with the stipulation that they only be married for a year. Milos has already begun making wedding preparations and Petra puts on an act of being happy about the wedding in front of Rafael. He’s not buying it, and neither is Jane. Jane confronts Petra about her decision, and Petra sells her a story about how she and Milos were once very much in love and that she believes they can have a second chance. Not that Jane buys this for a second, but Petra is sticking to her story. Jane makes the effort to help Petra by going to see Magda, who tells her that she can take down Milos by uncovering his Internet scams. Jane gives Petra this out, but she hesitates when Milos starts acting sweet with her; or at least that’s what she wants him to think. Petra knows Milos is still going to be keeping an eye on her, so she goes through with this literal unholy alliance. Unfortunately Milos has another surprise in store for his new bride: crates full of smuggled hand grenades that she is now partly responsible for.

Jane seems to have finally made up her mind in the love triangle and chosen Michael. She still has no idea that Rafael knows about her decision and is desperately trying to figure out a way to change Michael’s mind. Even Luisa is trying to help. Michael is anxiously waiting for Jane to tell him she loves him, while Jane is constantly trying to get Michael alone to tell him she chose him. Rafael can’t bear Jane even speaking the words. He tells her she is throwing away their family and to just leave. I would say it was harsh, but he’s in a lot of pain. And until there are solid “I Do’s,” #TeamRafael still has hope.

For all of the bad timing concerns, Jane really is worried about how her feelings for Michael will affect Rafael and their son. It’s a valid concern to be sure; however, not even I was prepared for just how out of hand the situation would get. When Michael is reprimanded for letting his ex-partner Nadine escape, he comes to the false conclusion that it was Rafael who is costing him his career. It’s not, but Michael doesn’t listen and physically attacks Rafael in front of Mateo, who ends up injured as a result. As much as Jane may want to be with Michael, she cannot be with someone who would hurt the father of her child. Mateo has to come first.

I don’t know about you, but I think the Rogelio and Britney Spears friendship makes for great television.

[Photo credit: Greg Gayne/The CW]

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