Indiana Janitor Amazes with Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin on America’s Got Talent

Richard Goodall, a janitor from Terre Haute, Indiana, has captured the hearts of America with his electrifying performance on this season of America’s Got Talent. The humble elementary school janitor stunned audiences and judges alike with his stunning rendition of Journey’s iconic hit “Don’t Stop Believin’.”

Indiana Janitor Amazes with Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin on America’s Got Talent

Goodall’s journey to the AGT stage began when a video of him singing the same Journey classic went viral on TikTok in July 2022. Being an unexpected sensation, his talent rapidly caught mainstream media attention.

From School Halls to the Big Stage

The janitor first became widely known for belting out Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” at an elementary school graduation, which showcased his powerful voice. According to Goodall, It’s humbling and it’s fun, but yet I’m still the same person I’m always going to be. I’m just me.

Nerves Fade Away on Stage

Despite initial nerves during his AGT audition, Richard’s performance quickly gathered momentum. When he hit that first note, it was clear that this was not just any regular janitor—he had the talent of a seasoned professional.

Indiana Janitor Amazes with Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin on America’s Got Talent

Judges Shower Praise

The judges were visibly moved by Goodall’s heartfelt performance. Sofia Vergara said, I mean that was spectacular, that was fun. This was an amazing surprise. Meanwhile, Howie Mandel remarked that Richard simply cleaned up and noted how proud his students must feel watching from home.

Indiana Janitor Amazes with Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin on America’s Got Talent

A Golden Moment with Heidi Klum

Perhaps the most memorable moment of the night was when Heidi Klum pressed her coveted Golden Buzzer. Overwhelmed with emotion, Richard Goodall stood under the exploding golden confetti as tears rolled down his face.

Indiana Janitor Amazes with Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin on America’s Got Talent

Klum expressed her admiration by saying, Richard, Richard, Richard, you knocked me off my feet… This is what I’m going to do for you because I love you.

A Dream Come True

As he stood on stage in disbelief, Goodall admitted, I’ve never even been on plane…, highlighting just how significant and life-changing this opportunity was for him.

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