General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Has Some Hope

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly Has Some Hope

General Hospital fans will see that Carly is going to continue to suffer, but she is going to have a small change of heart. There is a chance she can see things from a much brighter situation in the future. She can see things are going to turn around for her in some way, but she’s got to change her attitude about all of it. She’s in such a bad place since things with Nelle went down, but she does have Jason on her side. She’s got him there to fight for her and help her make things right, and that might change the way she does her own business in the future. She’s looking for a way to get her life in order, and this might be what she was looking for at some point.

But right now, she’s got to look at the bright side. She has to see that she’s going to get better, and we think that she might see that she’s no longer having any visions or hallucinations or visits from her dead son. After all, Nelle can’t make that happen when she’s in this situation. And that might make Carly realize that things aren’t what they seem. She knows, of course, what she was seeing and how things were playing out for her, but she wasn’t sure she wasn’t going a little crazy. Now she can convince her family she’s not, and they might just find out that things aren’t always what they seem.

Nelle can’t make sure that Carly is seeing things from where she is in her own hospital room, and we think that this is the moment she’s been looking for. She’s been able to keep her situation under control since she was locked up, and it only helps her realize that she’s not crazy and she has been set up. And we all know that she is going to realize who did this very soon — sorry, Nelle.

Stay tuned for more General Hospital and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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