Five Television Shows That People From Seattle Should Like

Five Television Shows That People From Seattle Should Like

Everyone’s got their favorite shows, but it’s more special if those shows happen to showcase the area in which a person lives so that they can possibly recognize the setting and scenery since they might pass by it every day. Seattle is just as picturesque as many other cities and also just as popular when it comes time to film. Several TV shows have benefited from the majestic Washington landscape even if their main setting are set up somewhere else. The idea is to get the viewers into the show by giving them a reason to actually relate to the characters and the setting all at once.

People do tend to show more pride in their city if they know it’s being used for commercial purposes that will make it famous.

5. Grey’s Anatomy

If you ever wanted to know about the drama that goes on behind the scenes in a hospital then this show might give you at least something of an idea about it. Every person that works at this hospital has a story and an entire laundry list of issues that get worked out in each episode as they try to be decent people and do their best to help their patients.

4. Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is kind of a no-brainer to be popular among those in Seattle since it’s filmed in locations that are fairly close to the city and was a favorite when it first came on the scene. It’s regrettable that it didn’t last that long but a lot of people still remember it and would like to see it mount a comeback as there have been rumors that it might happen.

3. The Killing

This show seemed to many like it was poised to solve one murder case and be done in a kind of limited run that would be all over when the case was solved. Instead it follows the two main detectives of the series as they go about their job of hunting down murder suspects and going through the tedious process of collecting and using evidence to find their perpetrator.

2. iCarly

Carly is a young girl who, with one of her friends, starts her own webcast that is comedic in nature and makes her an instant star. Throughout the show Carly and those around her are forced to deal with all the regular issues you might think are important during adolescence and must find a way to just get through their lives from day to day without any serious mishaps.

1. Frasier

Everyone remembers Frasier from Cheers, where he was a regular but never the leading man. In this show he’s got his own radio talk show where he applies his wealth of knowledge the to problems of many a Seattle citizen that call in to hear what he has to say. His life might be just peachy if not for the fact that his father moves in with him, his brother continually hits on his father’s care provider, and the beaten up old recliner that his father insists on keeping is planted smack in the middle of his living room.

Every town’s got something to be proud of, some just have interesting TV shows on top of everything else.

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