There are some out there that would argue that the differences between Marvel and DC comics are not that big of a deal, while some would say otherwise. The reality is that the comics, the movies, the TV shows, all of it, have drawn a vast number of fans that have managed to enjoy the continual changes and evolution of each franchise over the years. Trying to say who did what first, who stole from who, and why some heroes are greater than others has produced massive debate when it comes to which characters are the most popular. There has been controversy over which characters in both camps can overcome one another, what’s canon in either franchise, and how things have been changed over the years to make certain that the popularity of either franchise will top the other. The reality is that they’re both great, meaning that the divide is as manufactured as it is natural. Here are 5 reasons why people need to stop comparing DC and Marvel.
5. It makes no sense to say one is greater than the other.
When it comes to the popularity of both camps, it’s up to the people, the fans, to decide which one they like and which one they want to set aside. The trick here is that a lot of people tend to like both franchises. Both Marvel and DC have great characters, great settings, and great ideas. Trying to set one up as greater than the other is a divisive method that should be left to the individual since otherwise this becomes a war of pop fiction that isn’t bound to have an end since both franchises would end up losing a great deal while little to nothing would be gained because demanding the fanbases choose between the two is insanely foolish and would cost the one thing that matters to those in charge, money.
4. Pitting them together to come up with a conclusion that saves both their universes creates great interest in the fanbases.
A Marvel/DC crossover is a great idea since it gives the fans a chance to see how things would stack up from (hopefully0 various points of view that would be able to determine which powers, abilities, and feats would trump each other and which characters would be able to stand against one another in various situations. The fanboys that love to say what would happen and what should happen would go nuts with this, and they kind of already have, but it would still be a fun project to see take shape. Rumors are floating around that such an idea might be popular enough to make happen, but so far nothing has come of it.
3. In live-action movies, many actors have performed for both camps.
Some actors might have their favorites, but the fact is that several big-name celebrities have made it work with Marvel and DC properties and it’s been fun to watch just about everything that’s rolled out at this point. Some folks have done better in one camp than the other, but the truth is that good actors can shift gears when they need to earn a paycheck, but great actors will give a convincing and even awe-inspiring performance no matter which brand they’re working for. It’s a job after all, and turning in a great performance is one way to get people to realize that it doesn’t matter which franchise an actor is currently working with.
2. Both have benefited from the same talented individuals for years.
From the people behind the stories to the inkers to the artists to those in charge, both DC and Marvel have managed to rise continually throughout the years. Some of the people that have made this happen have been those that have worked for both companies, and whether there were hard feelings or not, the fact is that Marvel and DC have managed to benefit from the same people at times. Realizing this doesn’t move a lot of people, while it might create hard feelings in some that pay attention to every single detail that goes into the creation of each project that has ever been released, the truth is that both groups have been better for this.
1. They’re both impressive universes with plenty of fans that don’t discriminate.
For all the fanboys and diehard superfans that tend to know way too much about everything that has to do with their favorite characters, artists, storytellers, etc., there are plenty of fans that love both DC and Marvel and don’t really care who can beat who or who took what from their rival and whether or not one or the other will end up being more popular. The truth is that both camps are a lot of fun to watch, enjoy, and offer up a great deal of material that people want to see. Seriously, you can enjoy both without conflict.
big-name celebrities
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