Five Beer Scenes in 80s Movies for National Beer Lover’s Day

Five Beer Scenes in 80s Movies for National Beer Lover’s Day

Yes, there is a National Beer Lover’s Day and it is on the 7th of September. This is one that’s a little hard to take seriously since it seems that any day really can be a national beer lover’s day without needing to announce it. But when it’s been made into a thing we might as well roll with it and let it stand since it’s not really hurting anyone and it’s enjoyable for those that can partake without any trouble. In the movies beer lover’s can be just about anyone so long as they like to crack a cold brew and tip it back a few times to enjoy that cold, refreshing taste that washes the day’s troubles away. Of course too many and it could wash more than that away, but like always it’s advised to take it easy and be responsible on a day like this. Just have fun, crack a bottle, and enjoy the day.

Here’s a few movies that are designed to do just that.

5. Sixteen Candles

This is one major downside of being popular in high school, when people want to come over to your house to party and end up leaving it looking like a pit. Jake obviously didn’t know exactly what was going on downstairs since he was trying to get hold of Samantha and Caroline was so out of her mind drunk that she didn’t care to look around. Of course when she got her hair stuck in the door it was a little tough to move around. But considering how wasted she was hard to imagine that she would have cared about any of it. But the moment that Jake got to actually sit down and enjoy a brew he found that he couldn’t because he had to save Ted’s life. He was in the glass table, remember?

4. Gremlins

A lot of places have a rowdy clientele that likes to make trouble but this is a bit ridiculous considering that the Gremlins don’t have the kind of money to pay for what they’re drinking and will rely on open threats to get what they want. But hey, they’re having a good time for the most part and causing only a slight bit of mayhem here and there until it gets too far out of control. But you can bet that Phoebe Cates was more than ready for Billy to show up with the lights blazing so that she call it a night and scoot on out of there. Something seems to indicate that if she hadn’t she wouldn’t be surviving the night.

3. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Just when you’re trying to sit down, enjoy your beer, and not cause any problems, a loudmouth comes along and has to ruin your day with just a few well-placed verbal jabs that gets your blood to boiling. Eddie might have let things go if Angelo hadn’t kept talking, but the moment he started in on him and how Eddie was supposedly working for a toon that was just too much, you could almost see Eddie turning red just like the toons do. With that in mind he kicked Angelo’s stool out from under him and shoved the egg he’d been cracking into his mouth without bothering to tell Angelo to open wide. It seemed justified.

2. Poltergeist

This is a true party foul moment and something that some of us might remember that we would’ve gotten swatted for. One thing you don’t do is carry a whole case of beer when you’re riding a bike, but one thing you don’t do as a kid is make a grown man spill a whole case of beer. There’s a lot of wrong going on both sides of the issue here, but the sad part is that he spills it, and the good part is that it’s not a total loss since he manages to carry a good number of them into the house while the others are spraying all over the place. If not for the game being on it seems like the guy would have given the kids a piece of his mind.

1. National Lampoon’s Vacation

There is that magical moment when a parent shares a drink with their kid for the first time, preferably when the kid is old enough to know that it won’t be happening all the time. But Clark is so clueless that he happens to think that this one beer is Rusty’s first and in the next moment he’s left holding an empty can after Rusty has had an extremely good chug. Now if that wasn’t a tip that your kid’s been gaining some experience when you weren’t looking then you’re really not up on what’s going on in your family.

Crack a bottle, tip it back, and enjoy.

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