Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guide: How to Defeat Every Enemy Type

Monsters in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are as varied and hazardous as the environments they dwell in. The Dragon’s Dogma series began with the release of the original game, simply titled Dragon’s Dogma, which was developed and published by Capcom. The game made its first appearance on the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles in May 2012 in North America and Europe, before reaching Japan in the same year. Critics lauded the game for its inventive gameplay features, sprawling open-world design, and demanding combat mechanics.

It garnered a dedicated fanbase and has since spawned several expanded editions and a direct sequel. Beyond the main game, there have been some expansions and re-releases, like Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, which added new content, areas, and adversaries. April 2013 saw the release of the expanded edition for PS3 and Xbox 360, followed by launches on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch platforms.

Basking in the success of the first Dragon’s Dogma, the development of its highly anticipated sequel, Dragon’s Dogma 2, commenced. There are still some enemies from the first game who made it into the sequel, such as Goblins, Chimeras, Cyclopes, Griffins, Wolves, Ogres, Harpies, and Dragons. These are by no means exhaustive, as Dragon’s Dogma 2 features many more enemies and creatures to encounter during your adventures. Here’s a foolproof guide to effortlessly tackling all enemy types in Dragon’s Dogma 2.


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Slimes are amorphous blobs that lack a definitive shape, usually found in damp and dark environments like caves. They move slowly and attack by engulfing their prey, but their attacks are weak and easy to avoid. Due to their gelatinous bodies, they are highly vulnerable to fire and physical attacks, making them one of the least threatening enemies. To defeat Slimes in Dragon’s Dogma 2, use elemental attacks because they are immune to non-elemental physical damage.

Fire attacks work best, so use fire spells or weapons with fire enchantments. Keep your distance to avoid being engulfed, and if you get caught, run and jump to escape. You can also use Slimes to distract other enemies by leading them into the Slimes. When defeated, Slimes drop Greenish Slime, which is useful for upgrading gear or selling for gold. Focus on using elemental attacks and maintaining distance to effectively defeat Slimes in the game.


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Goblins are small creatures known for their mischief and aggression. They often attack in groups, using basic weapons like clubs and knives. While they can be troublesome in numbers, their strength is low, and they are easily defeated by even novice adventurers. To defeat goblins in Dragon’s Dogma 2, use fire attacks because they panic when set on fire. Quickly kill any goblin with a signal horn to stop reinforcements.

Focus on killing the goblin king, identified by a crown, to make the others flee. Poison is also effective, as it disorients them. Stay mobile to avoid being surrounded and use area-of-effect attacks to manage groups. Aim for their heads and use lightning or ice attacks to stun them. Break through the armor of shield-bearing goblins with heavy attacks. Be cautious in areas where they hide and use the terrain to your advantage. Equip your party with fire and poison abilities to handle goblins more easily.


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Wolves are pack animals that rely on speed and coordination. They can be found in forests and open plains, hunting in packs to overwhelm their prey. Despite their agility and the threat posed by their pack tactics, wolves have relatively low health and can be dispatched quickly with well-placed attacks. Defeating wolves in Dragon’s Dogma 2 requires smart tactics. Avoid getting surrounded and focus on the alpha wolf first to scatter the pack.

Use fire attacks to deal with damage and create openings. Move quickly and strike with fast attacks to keep up with their speed. Class-specific skills like Ensnare for Striders and Shadowshackle for Magick Archers can help control the pack. Remember to block or dodge their lunges, and aim for their glowing eyes at night for precise shots.


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Skeletons are the animated remains of fallen warriors, commonly found in ancient crypts and haunted ruins. They are equipped with basic weapons such as swords and shields. While they are slow and brittle, making them susceptible to blunt weapons, their persistence can be challenging in large numbers. To defeat skeletons in Dragon’s Dogma 2, exploit their weakness to holy magic by equipping spells or abilities that deal such damage since it can obliterate them.

Capitalize on ranged attacks to maintain distance and chip away at their health without exposing yourself to their rapid strikes. If battling during daylight, lure the skeletons into the sunlight where they are weakened or even destroyed by its rays. Dodge their quick strikes and aim for their heads to prevent revival.


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Knackers are agile, goblin-like creatures that often dwell in caves and mines. They are taller than regular goblins and typically wield spears. Known for their ability to climb walls and ambush their prey from above, Knockers can be a surprise threat, but their low durability makes them easy to defeat once engaged. To defeat Knackers in Dragon’s Dogma 2, exploit their vulnerability to ice or lightning elemental attacks.

These will inflict increased damage and expedite their demise. Capitalize on their hit-and-run strategy by immobilizing them; a Thief’s Ensnare skill is ideal for reining in Knackers attempting to flee, while ice-elemental spells can freeze them solid, temporarily halting their movements. Be vigilant of their preference for elevated terrain, as they leverage it to launch attacks and evade retaliation.


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These creatures resemble large, reptilian beasts with a rocky exterior. They are dangerous because of their ability to blend into their surroundings and their powerful tail attacks. However, their underbelly is a significant weak point. Therefore, to defeat the Rattler in Dragon’s Dogma 2, focus on exploiting its weaknesses and tactics. Aim for its under-belly weak spot, where it takes double damage, using spells like High Frigor to knock it down. Flipping them onto their backs or targeting their softer underside makes them easier to defeat. Avoid its rolling attacks, staying agile to dodge and maintain distance. Experiment with elemental damage and team up with companions for distraction. Stay equipped with healing items, and retreat if necessary.


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Harpies are bird-like creatures with the upper body of a woman. They can fly and use aerial attacks to harass players. Their ability to hypnotize players with their singing makes them particularly troublesome. However, they have low health and can be quickly taken down once they are grounded or hit with ranged attacks. To effectively defeat Harpies in Dragon’s Dogma 2, if lacking ranged attacks, wait for Harpies to swoop down and strike them with melee weapons when they’re grounded. Alternatively, utilize ranged abilities or magic spells to attack from a distance, avoiding close-range encounters. Be cautious of their sleep-inducing song and dodge the area of effect promptly to prevent vulnerability.


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Choppers are ambush predators that resemble large goblins. They hide in dense forests and use stealth to get close to their targets before launching quick, slashing attacks. They can be surprising due to their stealthy nature, but they lack durability and can be easily defeated with quick reactions and strong attacks. To defeat the Chopper in Dragon’s Dogma 2, first locate and eliminate the leader to destabilize the gang’s unity. Then, take out the others one by one to avoid getting swarmed, aiming for headshots, especially if they’re not wearing helmets. Exploit their weakness to fire attacks using fiery spells or weapons.


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Standard undead enemies, including zombies and other reanimated corpses. They are tougher than skeletons and come in various forms, some with minor magical abilities. They are more resilient and can deal more damage but are still relatively weak compared to higher-tier enemies. To defeat the Undead in Dragon’s Dogma 2, focus on fire and holy attacks. Holy weapons and magic are particularly effective against them. Use fire spells or weapons to burn them, or holy magic to banish them. Be cautious at night and in graveyards, where they are most active. Keep your distance to avoid their grabbing attacks, and aim for precision strikes if you have to fight up close.


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Cyclopes are towering, one-eyed giants wielding massive clubs. They have immense strength and can cause significant damage with their powerful attacks. However, their slow movements and predictable attack patterns make them vulnerable to agile players who can exploit their weaknesses. Targeting their eye or using fire can be particularly effective. To defeat the Cyclops in Dragon’s Dogma 2, target its weak spots, like the eye, weapon arm, and legs, for significant damage. Coordinate attacks to knock it down and focus on breaking its armor if it’s armored. Use fire magic if possible and adapt your abilities to your vocation. Dodge its attacks, manage health and stamina, and stay alert throughout the battle.


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Ogres are large, brutish creatures known for their ferocity and surprising speed. They can grab and throw players, deal heavy damage with their fists, and leap great distances. Their vulnerabilities to fire and poison can be exploited to bring them down more easily. They are dangerous opponents that require careful tactics to defeat. To defeat Ogres in Dragon’s Dogma 2, ranged characters should keep their distance and attack when the Ogre is distracted, while melee characters should aim for its weak spots and dodge its powerful moves. Having a tank and healer in your party is an edge, and exploiting the Ogre’s vulnerabilities to fire and ice will help.


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Minotaurs are powerful beast-men with the body of a man and the head of a bull. They wield large axes and charge at their enemies with devastating force. While strong and resilient, their charge attacks are predictable and can be dodged, allowing players to counter-attack effectively. Their brute strength and aggression make them challenging enemies. To defeat the Minotaur in Dragon’s Dogma 2, focus on its weak spots like its legs, and use fire attacks. When it charges, dodge and let it crash into obstacles. Stay nimble to avoid its attacks, and don’t climb on it. Make good use of your party’s abilities, and take advantage of moments when the Minotaur is stunned or incapacitated to unleash powerful attacks.


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Griffins are majestic creatures with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. They can attack from the air and swoop down on their prey. Grounding them with ranged weapons or magic is crucial, as they are significantly less dangerous on the ground where their movements are more predictable. Their powerful beak and talons make them formidable opponents. To defeat Griffins in Dragon’s Dogma 2, use fire attacks on their wings to ground them, then focus on their vulnerable head. Coordinate with thieves to climb and attack their weak spots. Stay mobile to dodge their attacks and vary your party with ranged and melee fighters, plus a mage for healing and fire spells.


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Dullahans are headless knights who carry their heads in their hands. They are powerful dark warriors with swift and deadly attacks, often enhanced by dark magic. Their resilience and ability to curse or debilitate players make them dangerous opponents that require careful strategy and strong defenses. They are typically encountered in haunted or cursed areas. To defeat the Dullahan in Dragon’s Dogma 2, use Holy Damage to harm it, stay nimble to dodge its attacks, and protect your team from its screams. Attack from afar, aim for its head when it’s vulnerable, and work together to outsmart it. Make sure you’re prepared with Wakestones and revive fallen allies quickly.


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Drakes are smaller relatives of dragons, capable of breathing fire and using powerful magic. They are highly dangerous due to their mobility, fire breath, and the ability to infect pawns with Dragonplague. Fighting a Drake requires significant preparation, strategy, and the right equipment to withstand their attacks and exploit their weaknesses. Their sturdy scales grant them substantial defense, making them formidable challengers. To defeat Drake in Dragon’s Dogma 2, when you observe the Drake summoning its lightning assault with its front limb, just keep moving until the barrage of bolts concludes. Moving constantly helps you dodge the lightning bolts, thereby minimizing both immediate and residual damage inflicted.


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Chimeras are complex creatures with the heads of a lion, goat, and snake. Each head has unique attacks, such as physical strikes, poisonous bites, and magical spells. The fact that players have to handle multiple threats simultaneously makes Chimeras particularly dangerous. Coordinated attacks and targeting specific heads are essential strategies for defeating them. In the fight against the Chimera, chop off its snake tail first to stop its poison attacks. Then, focus on the goat head with fire or ice to beat its magic. Aim for the lion’s head next, using magic attacks to weaken it. Make sure your team has a healer and a tank, and work together to take down each head.


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Talos is a giant, heavily armored warrior often depicted as a living statue with massive size, heavy armor, and powerful attacks. Only well-coordinated attacks targeting its weak points and the use of the right equipment can bring this colossus down. To defeat Talos in Dragon’s Dogma 2, focus on destroying the stakes on its body. Equip yourself with suitable weapons, such as explosive arrows and a Hammer-wielding Warrior.

Utilize climbing tactics to reach Talos’ vulnerable spots, and be prepared with stamina curatives to avoid falling. Coordinate with supporting soldiers during the battle, leveraging opportunities like ballista shots to deal additional damage. As you destroy Talos’ stakes, use the environment to your advantage and consider special arrows like the Unmaking Arrow for extra effectiveness.


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As one of the game’s major headaches, the Sphinx returns, its magic intensifies, and its riddles become even harder to crack than ever. Sphinxes are mythical beings with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a human. Defeating a Sphinx demands both brains and brawn – solving riddles and braving its attacks. To defeat the Sphinx in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll want to employ a strategy that doesn’t involve direct confrontation.

Engage with her riddles and challenges as part of the “Game of Wits” questline. If you haven’t participated in her riddles, acquire the Unmaking Arrow, a special item necessary for defeating her, either by solving her riddles or obtaining it from the Dragonforged. Once equipped, aim the Unmaking Arrow at her wings without provoking her, and with a single shot, you can bring her down.


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Wights are powerful undead beings with significant magical abilities. They can cast dark spells, summon lesser undead, and drain the life force of their enemies. To defeat the Wight in Dragon’s Dogma 2, understand its attack patterns: it relies on AoE spells and summons skeletons. Utilize the Empyrean spell, exclusive to mages, to weaken it. Form a balanced party with a mage main character, two melee pawns, and one ranged pawn. Engage in short bursts of combat, retreating to avoid the Wight’s spells. Prioritize ranged attacks and watch for opportunities to stun the Wight and unleash high damage. Retreat immediately when it starts casting spells to avoid their impact areas.


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At their highest difficulty, golems are nearly invincible due to their immense size, strength, and resistance to most forms of attack. Only targeted strikes to their core and the use of specific strategies and magic can bring them down. Their slow movements are the only respite, which will allow you to carefully plot your attacks. To defeat Golems in Dragon’s Dogma 2, target their glowing runes on the head, arms, and back of legs, which are their weak points.

Use blunt weapons like hammers and maces for maximum effectiveness, as slashing weapons are ineffective against them. Coordinate with your party to focus attacks on these weak spots or mount the Golem yourself. Watch out for the Golem’s laser missile attack and dodge it by moving to the side. Exploit elemental weaknesses with ice attacks to slow down the Golem and deal damage. Switching gears, here’s a complete list of GTA 5 cheat codes across all platforms.

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