10 Things You Didn’t Know about David Krumholtz

10 Things You Didn’t Know about David Krumholtz

David Krumholtz is the kind of actor you may not know by name, but have probably seen somewhere before. Over the last four decades, David has made dozens of appearances on both the big and small screens. Chances are, he’s popped up in at least one thing you love. His ability to play any kind of character in any genre has allowed him to have a wide array of options when it comes to casting opportunities. Every time he gets a part, he makes it a point to bring the role to life to the best of his ability. Many viewers will recognize him from projects like The Plot Against America and The Good Wife. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about David Krumholtz.

1. He’s From Queens

David is a proud New Yorker and his his roots continue to play a big part in who he is. He was born into a tight knit Jewish family in Queens and he came from very humble beginnings. His father worked for the postal service and his mother worked at a local dentist’s office.

2. He’s Been On Broadway

David’s on screen career has earned him the most mainstream attention, but he actually began his career on stage. He made his acting debut in the early 90s in the Broadway production of Conversations with My Father. While the stage will always have a special place in his heart, he has focused most of his efforts on film and TV roles.

3. He’s Not Afraid To Talk Politics

We’ve all been told not to discuss politics in mixed company, but as the lines between political issues and human rights continue to get blurry, lots of people can’t help but make their political opinions known. David has never been one to bite his tongue when it comes to his views and he has made it very clear that he was not a supporter of former president Trump.

4. He’s A Writer, Director, And Producer

Acting isn’t the only way David knows how to put on a good show. He also has lots of experience being behind the scenes and he loves finding different ways to utilize his creative. He has written and produced several projects and he also made his directorial debut in 2009.

5. He Was In Monday Night Raw

Remember when I said David was a very versatile actor? I wasn’t exaggerating. In 2021, he showed that he really can play any kind of character when he appeared in an episode of Monday Night Raw. In his ‘performance’ he pretended to be pro wrestler Drew McIntyre.

6. His Role In GiGi Does It All Nearly Killed Him

Sometimes actors have to go to great lengths to get into character, and David knows this from experience. When discussing his time on GiGi Does It All David told the TV AV Club, “On paper, that formula is almost impossible to create a winning show with, but then you add four and a half hours of prosthetic makeup every morning, three-inch nails, acrylics, the whole thing, and it nearly killed me. I mean, it really did. I put on even more weight. It was so hard. ”

7. He’s A Rapper

David is full of surprises, and he left lots of people shocked in 2020 when he embarked on a rap career. David began releasing music under the stage name Beengod Stillgod as a part of a group called Hemoglobin. The two singles are available on all streaming platforms.

8. He Has Over 100 On Screen Credits

David’s resume is nothing short of impressive. Since 1993, he has managed to rack up more than 140 on screen credits and he’ll likely have dozens more before it’s all over. Along the way, he haas gotten to be a part of dozens of popular projects including 10 Things I Hate About You, Numb3rs, and Men at Work.

9. He’s A Husband And Father

Just because David has been focusing on his career for most of his life doesn’t mean that he hasn’t also taken the time to focus on family. He has been married to Vanessa Britting since 2010 and the couple has two children together. Vanessa is also an actor and is best-known for being in The Young and the Restless.

10. He’s A Cancer Survivor

Health is something that should never be taken for granted, and this is something David knows all too well. David was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the summer of 2011. Fortunately, doctors were able to treat the illness with radio active iodine treatment. The following year, David shared that he was officially cancer free.

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